Thu, Feb 13, 1:51 PM CST

Turning Point

Bryce Abstract posted on Feb 18, 2004
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Another earlier image that holds special meaning to me. After shelving Bryce for months when frustrated from trying to learn too much too fast, I became highly intrigued by abstracts. Wolfsgirl in particular, both encouraged and helped me. Hence the title of this image. The night it happened, Bryce had ahold me once again. Arry ;-)

Comments (12)



11:07PM | Wed, 18 February 2004

Really neat work Arry,(duncan)


12:02AM | Thu, 19 February 2004

Even is your "old" work is very beautiful too.Excellent done!!!



12:15AM | Thu, 19 February 2004

I love this picture. A nice combination of chaos and order. "V"

Angel Michael

1:48AM | Thu, 19 February 2004

I'm not a big fan of abstracts, I just never really understood them, but this one just grabs me. It has a real organic feel to it, I can't really think of how to explain it, other than I see a human side to this image. It's kind of representative of life and the human body. But that's just how I see it. :) As always Arry, you know how to capture the viewers imagination with all of your images. ;)



4:29AM | Thu, 19 February 2004

Very nice abstract image. Has a lot of depth & motion to it - fluttering of wings shooting through coiled tunnels. The color scheme & motion remind me of Duchamp's famous "Nude Descending a Staircase"...



1:31PM | Thu, 19 February 2004

What a superb abstract! Fascinating, hypnotizing and very well balanced contrast/lighting... it's like a symphony from another world. Awesome!!!



7:59PM | Thu, 19 February 2004

Great work! So much reflection and such intricate patterns.



10:35PM | Thu, 19 February 2004

Love the forms and flow. It looks like it would make cool sounds



6:19PM | Fri, 20 February 2004

Some excellent reflectivism-nice and crisp-and I do like the dragonflys(?)Love the palette.


6:46PM | Wed, 12 May 2004

Wonderful work!!!



8:19PM | Sat, 15 May 2004

Nice one. Reflection adds so much depth. This must have been a very long render.



5:03PM | Thu, 30 June 2005

Wow this is just amazing!! really caught my eye with the thumbnail...

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