Mon, Feb 10, 6:54 AM CST

Street Life

Poser Realism posted on Feb 13, 2004
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Hi gang. Newer Poser user here taking a deep breath and trying not to be nervous. ;-) Just trying to get my feet wet using M3. I realize it's preferred to post images here rendered mainly in Poser, but being newer to Poser, I rendered this is in what I'm more comfortable with. Hope that was ok. Born to be Wild by MAB and Will Dupre, Second Skin Jeans and Tops by Lisa Buckalew. Original pose came from Esquire by Dangerkitty at Daz, then tweaked it to make it more my own. Bryce and Poser 5. Thanks for stopping by and all comments are welcome. Arry ;-)

Comments (7)


12:03AM | Sat, 14 February 2004

Might there be a story to this picture? Looks like maybe he might just be on the verge of being caught with his hand on a can. He looks like my kids used to when they were trying to conceal something! I think it is very good work. You are going to do quite well with poser 5.


3:18AM | Sat, 14 February 2004

I like this, good pose, excellant composition with the wall and the graffiti, there's a real personality to this render. Good job.



2:27AM | Sun, 15 February 2004

Beautiful work! Wonderful done!

Angel Michael

3:55AM | Sun, 15 February 2004

Your use of textures is great Arry, and your combinations of lighting and props is wonderful. You always know how to bring the right details into a scene.


12:00AM | Thu, 19 February 2004

WOW! Wonderful image. Excellent done!!!


8:58PM | Sat, 21 February 2004

Your use of textures is great Arry, and your combinations of lighting and props is wonderful, the graffiti and the texturing is wicked how did u get his skin texture so good can't seem to get it that good myself hoping to be as good as u one day


7:11AM | Mon, 15 March 2004

Deaserves more comments as I see it:) You did some awesome poserwork on this,Arry!! The background textures rocks:)

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