Tue, Feb 11, 1:12 PM CST

Time to Go !

Carrara/RDS Science Fiction posted on Dec 30, 2003
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Getting to grips with Carrara 3! Using the Fantastic Howler model from Sanctum Art, Posed in Poser 5, Rendered in Carrara 3, Postwork in Photoshop, Thanks for looking and commenting! BigT \;0)

Comments (40)



11:43AM | Tue, 30 December 2003

Ouch!!! That had to hurt! Excellent work...you're really getting good with Carrera. This looks real.


11:47AM | Tue, 30 December 2003

Holy smokes this incredible artwork. I feel like I just entered in the middle of a really cool movie. Excellent action scene!


12:09PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

great pic ...


12:14PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

This is really neat!


12:15PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

Very impressive image.


12:19PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

OMG!!! This totally pwns, T! ('pwn' means way better than 'own' =P)

Your work is just getting more and more amazing. Excuse me while I go get a napkin to wipe up my drool... hugs



12:44PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

I don't post often to your creations, even though I have you marked as one of my fave artists. (too many ohhwhaa lol etc comments) but this one rocks. Any chance of redoing it in a darker enviroment, like thunder and lightning?



12:53PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

Very nice! I like it very much: clean rendering, very good lighting and postwork. And looks like an intersting story behind it... I wonder who damaged them so hard, hopyfully no dragons in mech-cyber-suits... huhhh... to frightening to imagine... ;-) I think this is your best non-dragon-pic so far. Excellent. More please. But don't forget the dragons... :)



1:36PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

Excellent work and solid as stone poses! Great mood.


1:48PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

magnifique image,rendu de haute qualit la scene a et faite avec beaucoup de recherches. bravo



2:26PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

very excellent imagage I love it when you do scifi too. =)



2:26PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

excellent work.



2:47PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

An excellent render, you seem to be a master in whatever you use. well done Tony......happy new year to you and all others who visit! :)



2:47PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

Top form!!



3:07PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

This looks awesome. You posed these characters terrifically. :)



3:53PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

This is really nice work, I especially like the grass, looks very real.


4:38PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

Nice stuff, well done. Kind of curious though, are those the unconcious pilots heels sticking out through the floor into the weapons bay? Keep up the great work, John.



5:05PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

Heels?.........Errr..............Oops, Which just goes to show folks! sometimes you just can't see the wood for the trees! :0) or yes sometimes i just cockup! Thanks John, well spotted !! i thought she was too tall for the position when she applied! HeHe!............................... Wanted, unconcious pilot with no feet!!..........



5:20PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

Ok Panic over! after a recruitment drive a replacement pilot who is two feet shorter has been found! ;0) I Thankyou !!



5:28PM | Tue, 30 December 2003



6:28PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

excellent image. almost serene in its realisation....



6:56PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

You must have fixed the "heels" cuz I'm not seeing them....great work all around :-)



7:18PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

Avalonne: Yes i did...... the other pilot was fired, along with her heels! ;0)



8:37PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

Wow! Very well composed.Very clean render.Excellent work here!!!!!!! (:D



11:06PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

Damn, this would look great for a book cover!


11:41PM | Tue, 30 December 2003

I think this is a marvelous Image ....I understand how hard it is to get to learn a new program .......I say Bravo and as far as TheGigaShadow is concerned, he can eat my Aura Doro ..keep up the excellent work BigT.


11:09AM | Wed, 31 December 2003

If you remove the ship from the image, all that's left is sky and grass. He did nothing. Anaology 1: If BigT draped some fabric on a wall in his house, bought a copy of the Mona Lisa, hung it there and hit it with a spot light, can he claim credit? Is it his art? No. Same applies here. Anaology 2: If SanctumArt builds a huge spaceship out of Lego bricks and then BigT bought it from him and put two little Lego people on it did BigT really do anything? Nope. Since the ship is what is showcased in this image, credit here goes to SanctumArt for the model. Without the ship there is no image. Anyone can plug in someone else's model and press the render button.



12:50PM | Wed, 31 December 2003

Thanks for your comments Gigashadow they are duely noted,.... Love your gallery by the way, the one entitled 'sorry, but no files match your search' in particular stands out! i see you have ample experience with 3D software to enable you to critique other users, Happy new year to you and have a nice life!...... of course first you'll have to get one! BigT ;0)



3:36PM | Wed, 31 December 2003

Wow! Awsome sci fi piece! I love the contrast of the metal hard ship with the amazing soft dewey grass! Outstanding!



4:16PM | Wed, 31 December 2003

very very well done Tony! Great work! I have to add BTW that you have more art on your pinky finger that most people have on their entire body and you prove this each time. You gathereD all elements perfectly.. your lights made the scene real.. it all seems real .. so once again... YOU DID GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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