Wed, Feb 12, 12:01 PM CST

Crying for the summer

Vue Atmosphere/Mood posted on Nov 05, 2003
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Trees from Cinema4D, animals- Daz. No postwork. Thanks for viewing.

Comments (10)



8:21PM | Wed, 05 November 2003

lovely mood


8:32PM | Wed, 05 November 2003

One thing I would like to see changed is the overal brightness of the image; it's too bright in my opinion, even when it would be the middle of summer. This causes the colors to be washed out, with decreased saturation. Other than that I think it's really well excuted and above all a very good composition! Best area of the image; the cows. They're not just dropped there, but they are posed very well!! Btw, don't save your image as a GIF; gif only supports 256 colors. You'll see what I mean when you look at the tale of the kite, the little orange dots. Save the image as a Jpeg, quality setting at least 60% and your complete image will look even better. It will also reduce the size of the image that is now way too big (it's now 400k!) for members who use a modem. Excellent image!



11:08PM | Wed, 05 November 2003

Excellent depiction of a bright summer day the grass texturing is a special treat well done scene.



1:12AM | Thu, 06 November 2003

Nice one; looks like a brilliant summer day to me!



8:26AM | Thu, 06 November 2003

Great job with the image. Really like how you posed the models. :o)


8:57AM | Thu, 06 November 2003

Tanks for your suggestion,Mando! I think it's because of my monitor settings - on my screen it's not so bright. I'll try to assign a colour profile to my image -maybe it can help.



11:25AM | Thu, 06 November 2003

Nicely Done!


11:40AM | Thu, 06 November 2003

Lovely image! Excellent POV mood and poses. Well done!



11:34AM | Fri, 07 November 2003

What a great image, love the playful feeling of the piece...



2:08PM | Fri, 07 November 2003

Stunning image but I agree with Mando. Save images like this as jpgs. Gifs work well with line drawings and fonts but not fot this sort of thing. Really lovely! Excellent work!

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