Tue, Feb 11, 4:29 PM CST

Esuoh Redrum Eht

Bryce (none) posted on Aug 05, 2003
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Everything modelled and rendered in Bryce. This one took a long time to render because of the radial lights. My first indoor night scene, also my first serious study of colored radial lights. It took me a good while to get the lighting to the way I wanted it. Terrain walls, most textures are mine. Floor and wallpaper textures from Lemog. Paintings by Adolphe Willam Bouguereau, an awesome artist(One of my favorites). Couch, table, flowers, and cup recycled from my previous works. Very little postwork in Photoshop. The little pics in the bottom are WIPS and failed renders. Thanks for dropping by.

Comments (128)



7:30PM | Fri, 01 October 2004

Maybe it's just me?,but I want to straighten the coffee table with the lines in the floor, and move it a bit to the left.All else is awesome work indeed.


6:05PM | Fri, 01 April 2005




11:08PM | Tue, 15 November 2005

Fantastic work I like the artist too.



1:41AM | Fri, 25 August 2006

Amazing! Superb done!!!



10:36PM | Fri, 08 September 2006

A Master work, So Realistic, Excellent job, just carry on.



10:35AM | Wed, 11 October 2006

(Jaw drops to the floor..) - absolutely outstanding work. Can't believe it's all modelled in Bryce - definately gives me something to work towards.Bravo!!!



2:46PM | Wed, 30 April 2008




4:42PM | Tue, 16 December 2008

The RumRed House....hmmm there just has to be a story there...excellent modeling and render...thanks for posting this all these many years later...LOL.. ...

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