Tue, Feb 18, 2:31 PM CST

Esuoh Redrum Eht

Bryce (none) posted on Aug 05, 2003
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Everything modelled and rendered in Bryce. This one took a long time to render because of the radial lights. My first indoor night scene, also my first serious study of colored radial lights. It took me a good while to get the lighting to the way I wanted it. Terrain walls, most textures are mine. Floor and wallpaper textures from Lemog. Paintings by Adolphe Willam Bouguereau, an awesome artist(One of my favorites). Couch, table, flowers, and cup recycled from my previous works. Very little postwork in Photoshop. The little pics in the bottom are WIPS and failed renders. Thanks for dropping by.

Comments (128)



7:18AM | Wed, 06 August 2003

this is outstanding!!! superb work and i love the athmosphere and lights. Truly magnificent :))



8:00AM | Wed, 06 August 2003

Beautiful indoor scene and the lighting is spot on! Lots of details and a story to tell.



8:49AM | Wed, 06 August 2003

Very nice, love the feel! :)



9:46AM | Wed, 06 August 2003

superb, alvin! great work with the lights and just the whole package. i like the small ones too.

L.W. Perkins

11:07AM | Wed, 06 August 2003

Even without the nasty spots on that beautiful wall it would be a little creepy--more truly excellent lighting! It's so much fun to see the other angles and alternative light scheme, too! Got my vote!


11:09AM | Wed, 06 August 2003

Absolutely wonderful render!!!



12:31PM | Wed, 06 August 2003

What a beautifull mood in this render!I love the colours and your expertly done modeling and texturing!Silly old me imagines a zombie would come flying through the door though!I feel a resident evil atmosphere from within this!Probally just my dimension!lolExcellent no doubt you do!:o)Byeeeeeeeeeeee calum5(V)



12:41PM | Wed, 06 August 2003

?gninihS ehT daer uoy did semit ynam woh tsuj dnA !redner tnellecxE


1:09PM | Wed, 06 August 2003

wow, another super scene, but in this special the light works super !!!!!!!!



1:21PM | Wed, 06 August 2003

Excellent and vote ! I like the atmosphere in the small images too !


3:23PM | Wed, 06 August 2003

Wow, thanks guys for all your support and encouragement. Yeah the title is definitely a reference to the "Shining". I was watching the Simpsons when I titled it when Marge sold The Murder House to Ned Flanders. hehehe. The image itself is inspired by scenes from the video game: Resident Evil. Many thanks again!


4:30PM | Wed, 06 August 2003

Excellent as always:) amazing floor texture and reflections. Is it the radial light you talked about that makes the reflections looks so good? I dont know what radial light is. One last question, what is a long time render for you? I mostly go crazy if it takes more than 15 min.


6:28PM | Wed, 06 August 2003

Mastery, simply wonderful and a great presentation!



8:43PM | Wed, 06 August 2003

Glad to see you back in action. Great indoor presentation and lighting. Wonderful tile works...



8:45PM | Wed, 06 August 2003

Outstanding work! love the details here =-)


3:45AM | Thu, 07 August 2003

you annhilate my skill of commenting. The whole creation is fitting for a thriller movie. So perfect in everydetail and that carnation down...so genius.


3:48AM | Thu, 07 August 2003

My favourite image of you so far Alvin. It's just perfect. Reminds me of an old Video Game too: "The 7th Guest".

I went to look if I could find a pic of it on the net only to find out that your image is far superior to the one I remembered: http://www.fabianojuvencio.hpg.com.br/files/7thguest.jpg


6:59AM | Thu, 07 August 2003

love everything in this piece.your lighting and texturing is really really really impressive.Thanks..-jane-



9:00AM | Thu, 07 August 2003

Cool image with a great atmosphere! Love this blue touch!


10:54AM | Thu, 07 August 2003

I voted for this image because it is genius. Just don't let it go to your head! :-) It is excellent.


11:44AM | Thu, 07 August 2003

This is fabulous,, the colour tones and textures excellent,, very nice composition.



12:20PM | Thu, 07 August 2003

Ooooooh this is fabulous. I like how u did the different renders and perspectives. I wish I could do interiors as well as u and DC ;o) Awesome job


10:41PM | Thu, 07 August 2003

Awesome inspiration. Very nice image, and it is good to see your progression to the final stage.


2:59AM | Fri, 08 August 2003

wonderful! modeling, texturing, lighting... everything.



2:59AM | Fri, 08 August 2003

You always amaze me!! Words seem rather pointless you are a master of your various art forms!!


8:14AM | Fri, 08 August 2003



4:53PM | Fri, 08 August 2003

Goodness. Thanks for posting this one, it's breathtaking.



5:31PM | Fri, 08 August 2003

Simply wonderful and delightful.



12:18AM | Sat, 09 August 2003

WOW ! Brillant artwork ! Amazing composition and beautiful textures and atmosphere ! Excellent concept ! You is very creative ! Congratulations !



3:10AM | Sat, 09 August 2003

Fantastic wowww , all is so beauty perfect, splendid ^_^ a great work big kisses Orietta

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