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Vue Architecture posted on Jul 03, 2003
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Well... my last one before I go to Greece tomorrow :) The Thuja, the fern and the Ficus Benjamina are made by me and are all availible for download... This one is part texture, part lighting study. I wanted to achieve "real" realism :) I'll be uploading some of the wall materials to the freestuff. My brother also noticed that the same bike seem to appear in many of my images. I guess the guy who owns it are visiting all the places I've depicted... What a coinsidence! :) Comments are as always welcome and appreciated! :) Thanks for viewing! - Thomas Ohh... and thanks to all of those who gave me feedback on this one! You'll notice that I've lightened up the gate to show more detail :) - UPTDATE - Fixed some boolean-problems Edited the title

Comments (53)


5:03PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

.....................................*me being very speechless, this is some kickass work ;)


5:04PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

hey thomas this image is wonderfully fantastic like the texures and atmosphere looks so real excellent work here...Richie...



5:04PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

exellent Each time I say..Nice The light is perfect...Great work! Melany


5:11PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

Fantastic work here Thomas, especialy on the textures! Love the wall on the left. Have fun in artist heaven :)



5:14PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

Thomas, I really love your trees. I hope you'll do more of them for sale. You are just as talented at modeling as you are at doing these kind of renders. I was working with one today and they are just excellent. This is exceedingly beautiful job of creating a very realistic scene.



5:19PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

Wonderful scene. Love the textures and POV. Very nice work. And looking forward to seeing your Greek-inspired renders when you return. Have fun and decanous (That's Greek for hello & goodbye):o) CC



5:27PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

excellent work and a very beautiful composition!


5:29PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

excellent textures and lighting, you model all this? :D


5:45PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

Again excellent image Thomy..I love it!Your textures and lighting is always marvellous!!!



5:46PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

Thanks for the comments everyone :) Isulaelu - Yes I did. The plants are created in XFrog 3.5 and the houses + pots are made from primitives. Oh.. and thanks to Gebe for the curtains. They're wonderful!



5:56PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

Very real... And good textures... (Have a nice holyday)



5:57PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

again- wow thomas :)


5:59PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

Have fun in Greece! I hope the place, where you'll be, will be at least half as beautiful as your images ;)



6:26PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

Fantastic artwork!! The worlds you create are just amazing down to the smallest detail!!!


6:40PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

Nothing to add (except a vote) - simply beautiful.


6:53PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

WOW !!!, stunningly beautiful. brutal realism with architectural style. love those curtains you've put in :) excellent texture, lighting and composition. this realism is something i hope to achieve one day aswell, thanks for sharing thomas. A+ and a vote:)



7:13PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

All most real good eye, tender colours make it very powerfull image(have a lovely vacation



7:24PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

Wonderful textures and love the light on the left wall. Your trees also look terrific.



8:09PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

Nice, I can't wait to see your impressions of Greece a beautiful place I hear and would love to visit myself. Have fun!



9:18PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

Simply wonderful! The textures and lighting are superb! Have a wonderful time on vacation!



9:28PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

Beautiful work Thomas! I hope you enjoy your stay in Greece. :)



10:47PM | Thu, 03 July 2003

Awesonme!! Maybe this bike will be seen in Greece? Outside a cafe or something! One of my favourite movies is Shirely Velentine, way before your time, Thomas, but this bike could appear there


12:25AM | Fri, 04 July 2003

i really like the Pov of this image and your texturing and lighting skill's are marvellous...Excellent work as usual!!!



12:55AM | Fri, 04 July 2003

Well, all is said really. So i simply have to add another excellent.



1:03AM | Fri, 04 July 2003

Brilliant, Thomas; I love this image. Wonderful texturing, lighting, composition. Have a wonderful holiday in Greece (it's beautiful!).



1:49AM | Fri, 04 July 2003

Wonderful and brilliant composition with splendid textures and lighting. Awesome work as usual !



1:53AM | Fri, 04 July 2003

I agree full with Djeser! Have fun!!! Wonderful picture!!!



2:19AM | Fri, 04 July 2003

fantastic..I just love the texture and lighting work...



2:26AM | Fri, 04 July 2003

Thomas, another really kewl pic.. the etxtures, lighting composition, all great. Enjoy Greece and return inspired!



2:57AM | Fri, 04 July 2003

Hey ... many great pictures this morning ... Excellent work Thomas... Your plants are really great. Enjoy Greece. It is one of the most inspiring country I know. I'm sure that we'll see soon white walls and blue windows in one your picture...

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