Thu, Feb 6, 7:37 AM CST


Bryce (none) posted on Feb 06, 2003
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Rendered in bryce, some little postwork in photoshop, I hope you enjoy!!!

Comments (18)



8:30PM | Thu, 06 February 2003

This is beautiful! One of the most peaceful river scenes I saw lately, amazing work on the vegetation, great tex for the calm water. An excellent picture.


8:49PM | Thu, 06 February 2003

This really works, excellent!


9:02PM | Thu, 06 February 2003

Very peaceful and serene, and the water texture is indeed awesome, very convincing!



10:00PM | Thu, 06 February 2003

Simply beautiful! Sorry to keep going on about it but I have to agree...the water texture is amazing!



10:00PM | Thu, 06 February 2003

nice, clean and neat!



10:48PM | Thu, 06 February 2003

Lovely image; very well done :)



1:42AM | Fri, 07 February 2003

Serene is the word that so strongly comes to mind. Perfect balance of simplicity and beauty, IMO.


2:04AM | Fri, 07 February 2003

Excellent job. I love it. I'm most impressed by the plants, they are top work!


2:53AM | Fri, 07 February 2003

So simple, yet so beautiful. Perfect job.



3:15AM | Fri, 07 February 2003

Very nice work, lovely mood and vegetation...Bravo : )


4:27AM | Fri, 07 February 2003

nice trees, as for render it looks neat but i am not sure about composition itself - it just feels kinda strange to see trees growing from water



4:50AM | Fri, 07 February 2003

Cool pic with a warm and humid feeling. Great job :-)



5:18AM | Fri, 07 February 2003

Wonderful picture! Simple, yet effective. Great trees. A tip for more realism (also adresses to "Kantele's" comment) on mangrove trees: Such trees often have many long roots sticking into the water from the stem, this can be achieved by a tree-group. Duplicate a tree, turn the number of leaves to zero on the duplicate, and turn the leafless tree upside-down. Adjust the vertical position, to get the "roots" where you like them AND to hide the trees real roots among the branches of the original tree, then group the lot. Maybe it sounds complicated, but I think could be worth it. (You won't find examples of mangroves in my gallery, but I've used this technique on some other trees to get complex roots sticking out of the ground (no pictures of this yet, either)). Keep up your great work.



7:53AM | Fri, 07 February 2003

Thank you all for your comments, I'm honoured that such good artists express their opinion and some suggestions that will help me to get better in my next works. Bye Raggioverde :)



8:41AM | Fri, 07 February 2003

Lovely and serene. A very simple and pleasing image. =)


11:39AM | Fri, 07 February 2003

would be so cool to paddle down this in a canoe ;-}



5:20PM | Fri, 07 February 2003

perfect "foto"



5:08PM | Mon, 31 March 2003

Accidenti che meraviglia!!!!La pace e l'atmosfera lacustre di questa immagine sono da sogno, sei veramente bravo sia con poser che con bryce, inutile dirlo noi italiani quando facciamo qualcosa la faccimao veramente bene ( ^_^ ) scherzi a parte la tua galleria spledida ciao un bacione Orietta

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