Thu, Feb 6, 2:16 PM CST

Wonderland - March

Vue (none) posted on Nov 07, 2002
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This is actually a first winter-scnene but it didn't look good enough yet for posting so here's the spring version which looks far better (at the moment ;) Comments and suggestions for improvement are as always welcome. Thanks for viewing :)

Comments (17)



10:08AM | Thu, 07 November 2002

Great Job! very peaceful. your trees look real.



11:21AM | Thu, 07 November 2002

It's a very good image, but the "feel of spring" isn't quite there IMHO. I'll be looking forward to the winter version, though - knowing what you can do it could be great! Okay, pdansk: San ser der ikke ud i DK i marts, vel ;o) men nu er det jo ogs"wonderland"...



12:59PM | Thu, 07 November 2002

Hui, ich denke dem Namen nach kann ich hier endlich mal Deutsch schreiben ;-) Das Bild ist Dir wirklich gelungen, eine sehr gute dichte Waldatmosphe hast Du aufgebaut. Ein Kritikpunkt von mir we die Ausleuchtung, der Bock wird durch die Geweih-Schatten am Kopf etwas abgeschwht.. Leider auch der starke Bodenschatten (Lichtquelle hinter dem Tier) ? Dem Gesamteindruck schadet das aber nicht! Great Work!


1:28PM | Thu, 07 November 2002

wooow! simply wonderful!



2:03PM | Thu, 07 November 2002

I like this alot! Very nice scene.


2:48PM | Thu, 07 November 2002

Superb arrangement of trees, very realistic. Very beautiful work, as usual !!!



3:56PM | Thu, 07 November 2002

I'm sorry RenderDuo but I'm danish :) Tak bigbraader... JEg anede ikke du ogsvar dansk. You may be right but notice the thawing snow in the lower - left corner... :) But you're right.. more like high-summer :)


4:00PM | Thu, 07 November 2002

yeay... an animal hehehe... looks great tom but the water is too still and the color looks a bit strange, clouded and bluish like it's been polluted or something... try making a little ripple and maybe make the water transparent with 0.333?? IOR can't remember exactly, so i can see some fish swimming in it.


4:13PM | Thu, 07 November 2002

wow nice work!! :)



11:39PM | Thu, 07 November 2002

Trees and perspective are excellent. Beautiful picture!



5:03AM | Fri, 08 November 2002

Excellent foliage as always. Nice work Thomas.



8:38AM | Fri, 08 November 2002

very nice pic



9:32AM | Fri, 08 November 2002

gorgeous picture!


9:47AM | Fri, 08 November 2002

You are really a super master of this program



9:55AM | Fri, 08 November 2002

looks terrific!



10:53AM | Fri, 08 November 2002

Well Phlegm.. You may be right, but calm water does exist and especially forest-lakes are often very calm when it's windstill. About the colour... well. You're probably right :) All your critic will be changed in my winter-image :)


8:47AM | Sun, 05 January 2003

Im speechless...!!!TERRIFIC IMAGE!

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