Tue, Feb 11, 9:21 AM CST

Wynter Blues

Mixed Medium Fantasy posted on Dec 07, 2012
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As I could not go out today (hubbie had the car) I decided to get down to printing my Christmas Cards - eek, way behind and I am always surprised at just how long it takes! Now to find time to write them, lol. Any who, could not study as I was up and down single feeding the glossy card stock into my printer (does not like more than one at a time) and so I spent time playing ... yay! LOL! Just hate the way I am feeling currently ... if I did not have my little lamp I might actually have turned psychotic this year, lol (sure hubbie would not find that funny ;O-) Stress levels real high right now so that aint helping! Hoping to find some quality time over the festive season to just CHILL!!! Any who ..... here is what I came up with today ... hope you like it ;O-) All credits below and if I forgot anyone, please let me know and I will gladly make amends :O-) Thank you in advance for viewing, for any comments you may leave and for any faves you might give xxx I no longer have time to thank each person individually :O-( (c) Pamela Delli Colli 2012 Reproduction, redistribution, sharing is not permitted without my prior written permission. A lot of my art is available in my zazzle store as prints and other products (/pameladellicolli ;O-)

Production Credits

Comments (21)



8:56PM | Fri, 07 December 2012

Your artwork is beautiful Pamela... this is striking.



9:06PM | Fri, 07 December 2012

love how you use eek! he, he.. glad you got around to doing some work and posting. your wintery imagery is the best my friend.



9:28PM | Fri, 07 December 2012

I know stress is the #1 no no with Lupus, so I can relate. Luckily I live alone & don't give a rat's hide quarters what goes on outside my gate. ;}~ Lovely blue mood, dear. (pardon the pun) ")



10:46PM | Fri, 07 December 2012

So lovely and elegant!



11:31PM | Fri, 07 December 2012

Beautiful That color blue does give it a wintry chill look Hope we get some snow this year....missed out the past 2 only got like a dusting or an inch or two I want a biggie...long as I got my soft drink,smokes,food and meds I am A ok well not hurting wise............but all set up for the other LOL Nope back to this..........a beauty and a fav with me Hug Your sis Susan~



3:05AM | Sat, 08 December 2012

Fantastic winter scene, the blue colors look great !



4:07AM | Sat, 08 December 2012

♥ It's realy amazing looking dear Pam!


caty77 Online Now!

8:53AM | Sat, 08 December 2012

Wonderful winter lanscape!



10:29AM | Sat, 08 December 2012

Very beautiful image!!!



12:43PM | Sat, 08 December 2012




1:56PM | Sat, 08 December 2012

Beautiful work!



4:58PM | Sat, 08 December 2012

Very beautiful winter scene my friend, excellent work.



6:50PM | Sat, 08 December 2012

Very beautifully done with superb details and a very lovely character. I love her gown and how you have used the blue colours. A very beautiful image. I hope you get some chill out time over the festive season too.



5:53PM | Sun, 09 December 2012

Totally beautiful winter scene. Lovely.



7:15AM | Mon, 10 December 2012

Wonderful work!



3:17AM | Tue, 11 December 2012




2:24PM | Sun, 16 December 2012

Very beautiful image excellent post work. Have a nice day.



2:46AM | Sun, 23 December 2012

Wonderful work :)



2:50AM | Mon, 24 December 2012




2:21AM | Mon, 28 January 2013

So beautiful!



1:09PM | Mon, 29 April 2013

Outstandingly Magically Amazing,

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