Mon, Feb 17, 8:31 PM CST

Fairy Godmother School

Poser Faeries posted on Sep 17, 2012
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(For Kaleya, another side of Azura.) Poor Azura. No one appreciates how hard it is to be stuck in fairy godmother school when all you want to do is express yourself. Not everyone should be expected to be a sweet little pink fairy that grants wishes - the world needs fairies of chaos and bad luck too, or things would be really boring. And do you have any idea how hard it is to find a decent black outfit in fairy size that wings will fit through? You pretty much have to make it yourself. Not to mention the fact that tattoos wont adhere to this rediculous sparkly magical skin. And now there's afterschool detention for ditching class. Ugh, this is SO stupid! (p.s. I have no idea what possessed me to turn pretty little Azura into an angry teenager, but the concept amused me - not to mention that this is a complete departure from my normal style. I guess you have to do that once in awhile.) By the way, both fairies are variations of Kaleya's new Fantasy Girl, Azura, who is now in the market. She's so versatile, you should check her out. :)

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Comments (36)



5:45PM | Wed, 19 September 2012

You certainly have an amazing imagination to come up with this superb scene, it is great, well done, hugs Jane xx



3:38AM | Thu, 20 September 2012

Cool image, great idea and work.



6:08PM | Thu, 20 September 2012

:-D A friend of Little Red Riding Hood who wants to express herself ? ;-) Very nice work, there, for a good idea !



4:15AM | Fri, 21 September 2012

Original and so well done ; I really like this scene.



11:21AM | Fri, 21 September 2012

Even the fairies are rebelling - what's the world coming to?



5:48PM | Tue, 02 October 2012
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