Tue, Feb 11, 5:51 PM CST


Poser Fantasy posted on Jul 24, 2012
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Ever have one of those renders that just turns out messy no matter what you do, and after spending hours and hours reworking and re-rendering, your only choices are to scrap it or refuse to give up on it and labor over hours of postwork? Well, meet Whisper, my latest beast, heh. As much as I wanted and intended to turn out work faster, I was determined not to give up on this one (another lesson that's good for me to face). I could definitely find more work to do on it, but you know, sometimes you just come to a point where you have to force yourself to stop touching it. Thank you as usual for all the encouragement, you guys are the best :) Now to figure out what is next. Hmmmmmm

Comments (48)



8:38AM | Fri, 27 July 2012

Such a beautiful composed image my friend, excellent work.



9:29AM | Fri, 27 July 2012

atmo and details are awesome



4:39PM | Sat, 28 July 2012

I is beautiful. What you wrote is so true of many of us. I have never yet seen one of mine I can call really finished. Nevertheless, fine tuning, in my opinion is part of the artistic magic and it shows in your finished work. Well done , bravo.



11:58AM | Tue, 31 July 2012

Delightfully image you can feel, Love it



8:02PM | Tue, 31 July 2012

That hair is amazing!



8:10PM | Tue, 31 July 2012

Thanks again for all your comments guys, its so encouraging! Im working on another piece with them now actually!



8:31PM | Wed, 01 August 2012

superbly realized render.very beautiful work



5:16PM | Mon, 06 August 2012

B E A U T Y...If you post an Unicorn one day please send me the link :)



11:18PM | Wed, 08 August 2012

This is an adorable creation indeed, splendid atmosphere, loved the character, perfect title!



1:16PM | Sat, 01 September 2012

Another fantastic and lovely scene those I love to paint lovely atmosphere !!



5:43PM | Sat, 01 September 2012

gorgeous image!!!



7:15AM | Sun, 02 September 2012

Beautiful, was worth the work!



8:00AM | Sun, 02 September 2012

very good atmo and the colors and shapes are rich and wonderful. Two cents worth would be to roughen up the edges of the trees in post processing to kill the straight lines and perhaps add some more speckled light to the ground. Your images all have depth and luster to them and are a joy to view.



4:29PM | Sun, 02 September 2012

Lovely scene. Nice artwork. Well done



1:44AM | Thu, 06 September 2012

very dreamy. well done!



3:22AM | Sat, 08 September 2012

This is a masterpiece! I love it, it has something mythical



7:51PM | Wed, 12 September 2012

you stopped at the right point as far as I am concerned. it is almost a love affair between women and beast - and it shows!



5:20PM | Sun, 23 September 2012

Stunning Image, and an excellent job rendering. A beautiful composition!

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