Tue, Feb 18, 10:50 PM CST

Ruffles and Lace for fabiana

Poser Glamour posted on Jun 01, 2011
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Back in March, Fabiana was selected Vendor of the Month and in her interview, when asked for her favourite artists, she named me as one of her favourite digital artists. At a time when I could barely sit in front of the computer to create, let alone find inspiration, her answer gave me kind of a boost and encouragement. I still feel that my muse took a hike when my back started acting up lol It's not as it used to be. Hope it comes back soon. I'm doing much better since the last couple of weeks but I try to take frequent breaks and it's not as easy when you have to interrupt the creative flow, if I may say, all the time... But I have to say I'm doing much better. This is my first completed image of this year and it was inspired by Joanna Kustra's photography. http://www.joannakustra.com/ Dress is Sacred Ibis at Daz which I modified with fabiana's Catarina dress textures. Other textures are paisley by parrotdolphin Ruffle collar by cybertenko in the freebies Hair at the base is Resplendent tresses from Daz which I retouched/modified in Photoshop. Thank you for your warm welcome on my last image.

Production Credits

Comments (90)



10:36AM | Thu, 02 June 2011

J'aime beaucoup la pose et l'expression ! Magnifique !



11:47AM | Thu, 02 June 2011

This is a superb image! I am glad you feel a bit better.



11:48AM | Thu, 02 June 2011

oh wow this is so gorgeous! :)



3:01PM | Thu, 02 June 2011

Louise this is absolutely gorgeous and a very sweet dedication. I hope you will get all well very soon :)


5:38PM | Thu, 02 June 2011

this is just lovely.



9:25PM | Thu, 02 June 2011

A wonderful image with a great title. I love the textures you have used in her marvellous outfit and she looks so lovely in this pose. Outstanding work. I'm really glad to hear that you can now sit at your computer for short times. I hope each day gets a little better.



10:48PM | Thu, 02 June 2011




3:27AM | Fri, 03 June 2011

Magnifique personnage et superbe décor !



10:32AM | Fri, 03 June 2011

Really beautiful work!



6:21PM | Sun, 05 June 2011

OMG, this is beautiful! Has a light delicate flavor. Love those lights!



3:12PM | Mon, 06 June 2011

Extraordinaire création...du grand talent charmante Dame :) En temps normal tu devrais avoir au dela de 100 commentaires... Beaucoup sont en vacance...les chanceux...et beaucoup n'ont plus les moyens de ce payé l'internet...avec les millions d'emplois perdu au USA !!! Pendant ce temps...en Asie...+ de 100 000 nouveaux abonnés par jours! Le Monde change!! Bonne semaine_____Magik



3:42PM | Mon, 06 June 2011

This is just so beautiful, Louise. Your art has distinctive style-- elegance and class. Hope to see more works from you in the future. I love your art! It's nice to know that you are feeling better now.



7:55AM | Fri, 10 June 2011

This is lovely a pleasure to look at well done :) Cathy xoxox



8:40PM | Thu, 16 June 2011

first of all, i'm both impressed and inspired by your perseverance and success in overcoming such physical hardships. second of all, i love the air of longing and anticipation in this. the bright red of her hair contrasts beautifully with the sea foam green.



2:39PM | Fri, 17 June 2011

You've always been one of the more outstanding artists I frequent. I've said on many occasions I wish I could render like you do. I've been in a slump myself which I'm trying to bring myself out of. This is no exception. Well done.



5:45PM | Wed, 22 June 2011




5:51PM | Thu, 14 July 2011

THis is really beautiful!



10:58AM | Sat, 16 July 2011

Stunning work, perfect model and scene.



5:04AM | Fri, 22 July 2011

Beautiful character and soft colors!



8:21AM | Fri, 22 July 2011




11:51AM | Tue, 26 July 2011

I am very late but anyway: I am glad that you feel a little bit better. I hear you about interrupting the creative flow. If you have to do this often work can get tedious if not "painful" because it is so hard to get back the easyness you've felt when you stopped working. In fact creative work often doesn't feel like work at all. That's what we get in return for our unsecure life and income. So if you loose the lightness working feels like work... I feel with you, I had the same feelings a while ago. Maybe it comforts you when I tell you that your work looks light-handed as always, really as if it's done out of pure joy. And in the end this is what counts ;o)



11:24PM | Tue, 02 August 2011

Que belleza de retrato, es fantastico el color y la iluminacion es genial



12:56PM | Fri, 05 August 2011

WOW!!! Absolutely stunning and beautiful artwork, love it !!! 5+++



2:21AM | Sun, 04 March 2012




5:33PM | Sat, 19 May 2012

Well.. I agree with Fabi... you definitely are one of the best digital artists around... this is a wonderful.. wonderful image!



6:18AM | Tue, 21 August 2012

Only Amazing my dear!!!Bravissima!V:DDD.Hugsxx Whylma



6:30AM | Fri, 16 August 2013

Awesome work!



5:56PM | Thu, 09 January 2014

Fabulous pose and fantastic expression... Marvelous outfit also :



5:18PM | Fri, 21 November 2014

Great portrait and beautiful fine work !



9:16AM | Mon, 09 February 2015

So beautiful expression, and the Light so fantastic :) Sorry, my english is not the best.

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