Wed, Feb 19, 3:34 AM CST

Rodhi - Mythological Creature Project

2D Creatures posted on Feb 01, 2011
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An assignment I did a few weeks ago for art class. Figured I'd post something to let everyone know I'm still alive. Believe me, I am still alive. ( Virtual cookie if you "get it." ;) ) We had to make up a mythological creature and draw it out. Besides the art classes I've had, I haven't used pencils in years. I want to model him out when I get a little better with Maya/Zbrush. For the time being, I think I'll post some of the work I've done in school, since I don't have anything else in the pipeline at the moment. Graphite on Bristol. (PS: I got a 99% on this piece! ^_^) Thanks for looking!

Comments (15)



12:21PM | Tue, 01 February 2011

great idea for a creature...go for it in ZBrush, it would look stunning



12:24PM | Tue, 01 February 2011

very GOOD art!



1:46PM | Tue, 01 February 2011

Awesome creature and great drawing. I'm so jealous, I have trouble drawing a straight line with a ruler, much less something like this, lol. I look forward to more of your school stuff!



4:03PM | Tue, 01 February 2011

Nice work. Love the details in the creature.



6:23PM | Tue, 01 February 2011

You did such an awesome work, Angie! It's been years ago since I have sketched a composition like this. Now that we rely more on the computer, we get all these cool programs to use for our graphics. But nothing can replace a pencil and paper~~ that's where creativity really is coming from and you did a wonderful job with your work. Kudos!



8:31PM | Tue, 01 February 2011

A beautiful work of art. Your skills with a pencil parallels your skills with CG artwork! Would love to see a CG version of such an awesome creature!



8:49PM | Tue, 01 February 2011

very nice



10:17PM | Tue, 01 February 2011

Cool pencil work! And is there another story installment eventually or what? (does I get a cookie?)



6:25AM | Wed, 02 February 2011

Excellent work! amazing idea!!



12:52PM | Wed, 02 February 2011

~Very nicely done! I love mythology!~



3:08PM | Wed, 02 February 2011

Nice and creative work, Theta. Cool Rodhi, parrot, dragon and scorpion? Original creature, very creative. Also nice to see some pencil drawing. Not seen often anymore, unfortunately. I think you do ok... I learned pencil drawing on a architect school, 15 years ago. And i haven't done pencil drawings since 1999. So I'm very rusty at it too. Maybe i should dig out my Wacom tablet and practice it again hehe. #;oD +5



4:55PM | Wed, 02 February 2011

Interesting design - I will await the Zbrush sculpt with great interest!



8:49PM | Thu, 03 February 2011




9:10AM | Thu, 10 February 2011

This is great! Now you need to model this so we can all render it! Love the chimera-like combination of animal parts. Great setting, too. (The only work I ever do in pencil is my taxes LOL)



5:30AM | Fri, 25 February 2011

Wonderful creature and very fantastic drawing! Love the details!!

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