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My Dragons II

DAZ|Studio Illustration posted on Oct 05, 2010
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I had a little time last night to do a render I have not thought outside the square I have not challenged myself and alas, I have not heeded my wife's advice.... so here is another slapped together Dragons and Bitches image for you all.... :) be safe and well dear people the lazy one

Comments (37)



12:24AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

what a great way to present an image..... sorry about that folks.... :)



12:30AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

You know what they say... "Life ain't nuthin' but bitches and dragons..."



12:33AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

There is something to be said for a challenge. That being said, I really love the wildness of your dragon pictures. There is something innately freeing in the motion of beautiful supple women with all their grace and the elegant fierceness of a dragon. This is an interesting render and I think the composition is interesting. The one thing I think that would add would be an expression being caught up in the movement of the dragons on the woman's face. Just a thought, perhaps her head tiled up a bit as if imagining flying.



12:37AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

"Slapped together" or no, this is still a fantastic image! The lighting and motion in both the dragons and in her costume are just great! Really love the images you've done with dragons!



12:43AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

faces...damn daces..... you think I would remember to give some sort of emotion after all these renders...sorry team... I shall work on this....thanks DAGrant, you are 100% right! :)



1:08AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

Love your dragons!:)



1:26AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

Ha ha , poor creature! She thought she was going to a fashion show and bad luck, a time trap, and there she is, clamped between two big wicked dragons...:-D As always the dragon textures and poses are great.



1:29AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

great poses for the scene's figures, especially the dragons; very nicely done!



2:01AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

Love the tangled knot of reptiles. Beautiful textures and lighting. Delany points to the one missing element. Expressions are not that hard Carl, really.



2:11AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

indeed i agree (heheheh now i can criticize you brother what an honor to me) a little expression on the face would not hurt i guess and would take maybe the distant look away from her eyes.(thats an overall v4 sickness) i came across some real easy eyes poses which take care of the look of the eyes slight left or right or up and down.i use it often. i forgot where i got them from long time ago hehehe. the dragon and girl look awesome like intermelted into each other .very nice work dr.



2:45AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

great poseing and lights - elegant and atmospheric!



3:05AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

I am a sucker for the Dark stuff,but,she does have a bit of that 10,000 mile stare,and I'm missing that other hand of hers.But hey who am I....? But you know sometimes it is cool to just DO something,anything and posted it.I sure as hell have ,lol !! Don't beat yourself up,over it.



3:38AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

I just find the moment you shift Victoria's face into an expression she immediately looks like a computer generated girl, it is something I have not got a handle on yet...but then in saying this why can't she look cg.....realism is not the only alternative... mmmmm



3:44AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

Dr. Carl, very nice image, your slapping has you forgetting your expressions. Na your art is outstanding... but if I didn't read it I wouldn't have even noticed the stare...



4:05AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

"facial expressions"... yep! Now you know why I prefer to render mere Woody images, g! A nicely done scene/render, btw.



4:32AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

It looks like a very fine render to me. When you want to work with expressions in the characters do it very gentle and the result will become more naturalistic. But this is a great work! ;o)



4:40AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

LOL! Nevertheless an excellent image. And I agree that V4 emotion is a difficult thing to accomplish.



4:59AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

Well if you can turn out results like that in a slap dash way then congratulations, I will stand back and applaud. Well done!



5:12AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

But she has an expression ! She has a non-expressive one, that' all ! I agree with the fact that as soon as you give the character a lively expression, they just look as computer characters ... And that so-called lack of expression gives the girl an haunted look, as if she was not really here nor concerned nor aware of what is going around ;-) And I do love that expression :-) Great work, Carl :-))



5:40AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

excellent scene



5:41AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

Beautiful composition!



6:28AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

Hi Carl; I loved these wonderful dragons and their fantastic textures, only the girl is not very attuned to these beautiful creatures ... the expression on her face is a bit empty ... or she was caught by surprise:):) Bravo my friend!!



7:26AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

most incredible work carl!



7:42AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

Great characters and scene I think its perfect the way it is. She looks confident in being with her friend. Most excellent.



8:35AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

Xcellent render!



8:56AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

Wonderful and wild image, Carl If she is a true friend of the dragons, then her expression would reflect the joy and love she has for them as well as the realization of the love they have for her. all it takes is subtle touch



11:17AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

I wish I could "slap togehter" things that looked this good. And I agree with Mike, expressions are a subtle thing...I think she has one here.



11:27AM | Tue, 05 October 2010

Gorgeous work, and wonderful posing how they all blend together! Props on getting those dragons to behave that way, lol. As for expressions, as everyone else has said..gentle touch! And for me, most expression comes from the eyes, a slight tilt up of the outer corners, does wonders. If the expressiion doesn't make it to the eyes, it might as well not be there, lol. For a smile or a frown the slightest addition of the mouth smile simple expression morph does more than you'd think. A slight closing of the eyes, just teeny tiny touches. Ok, I'll shut up now. This really is a beautiful image!



12:04PM | Tue, 05 October 2010




1:00PM | Tue, 05 October 2010

Carl your mastery of Lighting is such a pleasure to look at. and I can only pray one day I'll have a 10th of your Eye for beauty, lighting, and the overall experience you create for the viewer. Excellent work my friend. I have to agree with bigdadgib, her expression or (said) lack of expression is perfect, it’s as if she has given up on any change of escape or desire to escape. can't wait to see what you come up with next!

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