Wed, Feb 19, 5:19 AM CST

"How Dare You"

DAZ|Studio Fantasy posted on Sep 19, 2010
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greetings children of the earth...I hope these words find you all safe and well.... I have to give a special thanks to Robert/Tholian who came to my rescue in the middle of a lot of render time frustration... Mate you lifted the world off my shoulders....Thank you most kindly and your poser advice applied to Daz as well...Faaaaantastic! This new set is DM's Kross Court and I am sure it will appear in lots of renders quickly, has great detail and lots of cool pieces and no I am not paid to say that either! credit given where due. I get excited when I have new props to play with, new elements to put my dragons and girls rider is the original rider from the start of all of my images... I wanted to bring her back just one more time.... I just got the new textures for my dragon and have used them in both this and the last render... I do like this steely metallic look he has now, matches her outfit. cheers friends doc c

Comments (32)



12:24AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Fantastic work,Carl! She looks wonderful there! Although whomever had the nerve to annoy her had best apologize quickly Excellent



12:24AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Great POV. Looks like she will fall out of my screen.



1:03AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Hi! That's nice work. I like the harmony between the DM's prop shape and the poses of your two characters. This new prop looks quite actually, D & M have brought some interesting variety in their textures, less rock and rust. The color scheme as well as the textures of your characters look good too. Well done, friend.



1:11AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Yet another great piece of art. Fantastic job.



1:45AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Love this angle and pov - the lighting is brilliant for a shot so dark, props to you!



2:07AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Great lighting on her...yes really good detail with that set!



2:13AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Beautiful work, and love the fierce little dragon's face.:)



2:54AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Yummy! The posing work on these 2 figures is such a pure pleasure to look at, Carl. I really enjoy watching all the lines and curves that work and harmonize with each other (I hope you understand what I mean!) - it creates such a great group. And the background looks so drCarlish, so I suspect this prop was created for you... lol Amazing picture. An additional plus for the look straight into the camera - or us viewers - can you see how powerful a render can be when you get that "right" look? Vashek



2:58AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

A wonderful expression and pose!! Great camera angle and lighting.



3:12AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Vashek my dear friend I should have credited you for the "look" because I was thinking of your advice when I gave her the expression, thanks friend! Carl



3:58AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Her gaze is in accordance with the title ... It's amazing how that new set from DM looks different from one render to another, depending the light. Great composition !



4:42AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Very beautiful work ... nice posing, pov and expression ... Excellent!



5:39AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Love this posing and I am always a sucker for Dark.This is very cool.



6:20AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Just stunning - thank for brighten up my heart with this amazing artwork dear Carl!!! In full size a real eye popper -WOW!!! Have a pleasant Sunday, Ute



6:46AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

And I see that the hair looks just as good. Another fantastic image which is stunning in it's communication of emotion, action and just great posing work. A 5 and a fav.



7:24AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Amazing render!



7:28AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

DM provides always a fine package and great quality for a decent price. lokks great the way she jumps,the dragon has a very mean expression honey run.



8:09AM | Sun, 19 September 2010




8:10AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Very Nice!!!!!



8:46AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

WOW!!! Outstanding.



10:11AM | Sun, 19 September 2010

your art carl is so breathtaking, incredible piece!



12:39PM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Great colors and scene. Cool Work



4:41PM | Sun, 19 September 2010

excellent and wonderfully done scene



7:41PM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Very dramatic. Looks great in zoom. Fabulous posing. Love her intense expression. Really well done work.



8:08PM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Super work with this render!!!, poses and action are superb!



10:51PM | Sun, 19 September 2010

Wonderful image!



11:50PM | Sun, 19 September 2010

O - wonderful work with the lighting and skin texture! very nice!



4:11AM | Mon, 20 September 2010

Great looking image nice to hear your render times have been reduced Thats what I like about this place!



3:12PM | Mon, 20 September 2010

Very kewl poses and POV!



9:08PM | Mon, 20 September 2010

Wonderful pose and expression my friend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bravo !!!!!!! Big hug:)

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