Thu, Feb 13, 3:17 AM CST

A new friend

Cinema 4D Comics/Cartoons posted on Feb 17, 2010
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I want to create at first in Poser a cartoon looking image with a nice DOF. I was really unhappy with the results. Poser's DOF look for me just wrong. Like a blurred brush stroke and not like a real DOF. So i decide to render the scene in Cinema. Please don't ask about the workflow :((( Spent hours to fit the shaders and texture maps ... But i like how it comes out. Steamed Cookie is such a cute outfit. Stylish and cute. Really love it a lot. Stuff i used Steamed Cookie by JL at RDNA Valentin by Des and me at RDNA Fence from Traveler by RDNA TerraDome by Colm at RDNA The rest freebies from Aery Soul :) Thanks for watching and many hugs Ilona

Comments (48)



1:08AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

Makes me wonder who's behind the fence and who's not. LOL Nicely done! The DOF came out well. Looks worth the effort to me. :)



2:27AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

Poser DOF is not bad, it's just insanely hard to get right! LOL I know about that! If they can get the Preview mode to show it, it'd be fine. As such you have to shoot blindly and hope for the best. Forget that! You did really good on this. Great job!



3:36AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

Ah...ces logiciels qui ne tiennent pas leurs promesse: écrits pour gagner de l'argent, très sophistiqués 'cela enlève de la crédibilité aux résultats', pas assez testés...mais avec patience et longueur de temps...'font plus que force et que rage' ...MAGNIFIQUE petit bonhomme avec son casque- traducteur ciselé et ses habites dignes d'un pharaon !!! Ah ... der Software, die nicht an ihr Versprechen geschrieben, um Geld zu verdienen, sehr anspruchsvoll "entfernt es die Glaubwürdigkeit der Ergebnisse" nicht getestet genug ... aber mit Geduld und lange aufzubewahren, ist ... " mehr tun, als Kraft und Wut ... GORGEOUS kleine Kerl mit seinem Helm-Übersetzer gejagt und Live-würdig eines Pharao! Ah ... the software that does not keep their promise written to earn money, very sophisticated "it removes the credibility of the results 'not tested enough ... but with patience and length of time ...' do more than strength and fury ... GORGEOUS little guy with his helmet-translator chased and live worthy of a Pharaoh!



3:50AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

Lovely work Ilona!



7:03AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

Hard work payed off, great image!



7:22AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

I think all your hard work paid off ILona, as this turned out so wonderful :)



7:24AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

Früher hat man alles ins Netz gestellt was irgendwie wie ein Bild aussah, heute rendert man es lieber in 10 Fassungen bis das Ergebnis wirklich sehenswert ist. Nun ja, die Arbeit hat sich gelohnt und das Bild ist wirklich spitze geworden und vor allem so ganz was anderes als immer nur "schöne Frau im Mittelpunkt".



7:43AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

Brilliant and cute render! Poser dof is not bad, but needs extremely high quality render settings.



7:53AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

a very fine piece of art ilona, love those characters. so cute and delightful hon..



8:45AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

hehehe, this is just tooooooooo cute for words Ilona.



8:46AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

Lovely and cute, it is worth the time you needed to create this one!!



8:50AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

This looks fantastic!worth the trouble!!



9:05AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

Adorable and wonderful work my friend....!!!!



9:14AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

A wonderful new friend indeed! :) three thumbs up



9:43AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

Great scene - DOF turned out well - excellent use of the cartoon characters



9:44AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

A great job on this. CC



10:08AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

great render!



10:13AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

Cute one, hun! Love it!



11:38AM | Wed, 17 February 2010

Adorable image cute!!



12:01PM | Wed, 17 February 2010

i agree with magnus073 , all the hard work shows :))))))))))))



2:03PM | Wed, 17 February 2010

What a superb and lovely composition!!!



3:21PM | Wed, 17 February 2010




3:22PM | Wed, 17 February 2010

So very cute!!!!!!!



6:18PM | Wed, 17 February 2010

What a cute render Hugs Susan~



6:42PM | Wed, 17 February 2010

Hey sweetie!! Long time no see. XCellent render as always.



7:11PM | Wed, 17 February 2010

very cute :-) hugs



9:17PM | Wed, 17 February 2010

What workflow??? = lol... I'm just tease'n, I meant to put a period instead of 3 question marks - no, I'm tease'n on that one too - lol


anitalee Online Now!

10:08PM | Wed, 17 February 2010




10:19PM | Wed, 17 February 2010




6:46AM | Thu, 18 February 2010 adorable!!!! wonderful wonderful your characters, poses, and lights...excellent, Carol

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