Mon, Feb 17, 8:58 AM CST


Fractal Fractal posted on Jun 28, 2009
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Tat My Zit
“Tired of the same old zits staring back at you in the mirror every day?” “Tried all the expensive products on the market and still suffer?” “Named the big ones that seem to come and go year after year?” “SUFFER NO MORE!!” “Our unique staff of surgical tattoo artists can put an end to those nasty red bumps once and for all!! Give us a call at 1.866.tatmyzit and let our staff give you the look that lasts an eternity” Tat my zit is not affiliated with tat my nose hair, tat my butt cheeks or tat my nips. Users are warned that all tattoos are permanent and blood poisoning can and will occur when working with sensitive postuals. XenoDream Beta Tester-Version 2212 alpha-XD, post work in PSP 9 for sig and frame illusion. Off to work till midnight! Have an excellent day/evening everyone and thank you so much for your comments on my last post!! Got XD? Join the XDpix group on Yahoo where you can learn and explore with others! Explore your Creativity, Get XenoDream. Unlimited trial version of the newest XenoDream! ..Get XD Here.. Run, Don't Walk… It makes ya feel good Got XenoDream? Its time to UPGRADE—if you haven’t already ..CLICK IT HERE!.. Your comments are truly valued and a joy to read. Spread some joy! [=

Comments (18)



11:55AM | Sun, 28 June 2009

Outrageously funny! Well done and great scene



11:56AM | Sun, 28 June 2009

Superb colors, details and mood!!!



12:18PM | Sun, 28 June 2009




12:43PM | Sun, 28 June 2009

Fantastically colored image.



1:12PM | Sun, 28 June 2009

oooh so adorable !!!



2:22PM | Sun, 28 June 2009

I really like this style of yours ;O)



6:56PM | Sun, 28 June 2009

Oh my! Great image and story. Splendid work.



9:21AM | Mon, 29 June 2009

great history! it´s a perfect image! fantastic colours! hugs



2:12PM | Mon, 29 June 2009

This is Fantastic work.



1:44AM | Tue, 30 June 2009

Okay .. almost 3 in the morning is not a good time to be making me laugh out loud .. it wakes the dogs .. who wake the hubby .. who wants to know what the hell I am doing up so late .. or is it early??? This almost makes me want to have zits so I can go get these wild tattoos!! Another awesomely wild and wonderful Dinhi-ism!!!



11:08PM | Tue, 30 June 2009

This is so great! Your sense of humor is outstanding and gives a great heart felt laugh.



1:00AM | Wed, 01 July 2009

Darn that is just down right funny! Good thing you put the warning sign up. Good thing I wasn't drinking milk or anything at that moment or I could of been having a problem. Fantastic story and the image is wonderfully creative!



11:15PM | Wed, 01 July 2009

ROFLMAO!!! Hehe!!! This is just too funny! Thanks, I needed a giggle. Fantastic image too!



2:32AM | Thu, 02 July 2009

Great psychedelics



9:26PM | Thu, 02 July 2009

I'm chuckling over this one. These tats would solve the problem though. Beautifully created.



9:25PM | Sun, 05 July 2009

Congratulations! This image has been chosen for the Fractal Window Weekly in the Fractal SubCommunity. You will find the announcement in the Fractal Forum.



10:32AM | Sat, 18 July 2009

Excellent lighting, nice good composition…



3:04PM | Fri, 21 August 2009

Great city of colors :)

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