Sun, Feb 16, 8:27 AM CST

Hey! It's A Peanut

Photography Humor posted on Jan 08, 2009
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Description son came home with this little guy under the guise of "we're just watching him for a couple of weeks for a co worker" Now I do remember him asking to do it last week. But nothing was said about how long. As the night progressed the sad story of how a new home is being sought for him. His name is Peanut, he's all of about 12 lbs. He's a Maltese and Bichon mix. The house has been rather quiet (except for my cockatiel Peepers) since we put our Cockerspaniel Lucy down early in the summer. Peepers imitates Peanuts snorting which is kinda funny. The true test is how Peanut behaves when Peepers is out of the cage. Lucy and Peepers were great pals. He'd kiss Lucy on the nose and she would lick his feathers off. My daughter Katie has already planned on a wardrobe for him.....yick! She's determined (as you can see by the pink blanket) to make a sissy out of him. The captions and photo's to the left actually happened and exactly that way. Little stinker sees the camera and poses. LOL! Peanut does have a sweet disposition so...for right now, I'm agreed to the two weeks.Hope everyone is having a great day.

Comments (11)



7:37AM | Thu, 08 January 2009

How cute, love your story. I can remember pleading with my parents for a dog, and they finally agreed. I think Peanut and your son are going to win this one. :)



8:18AM | Thu, 08 January 2009

I bet you give in. These pics are a bad sign.



8:30AM | Thu, 08 January 2009

Peanut is so cute and I'm so glad found a good home, nice pics



10:12AM | Thu, 08 January 2009

Lovely dog. wonderful collage!!



11:30AM | Thu, 08 January 2009

OHYAAAAAAAAAA----onenight lol I want a puppy like that sooooooo bad but frank is not a animal person and I know you are, there's going to be a sad time here ,you cannot do a one nighter with a pup that looks like this one lol: so darn cute !my neighbor has one and when I go visit he is so happy to see me that he is on my lap the whole time I'm there,and I want to bring him home so bad ::GRRRR-eat photos and let us know what happens huh ? ::good luck my friend I thnk your going to need it ha ha ha:: PS/ A wORd about your daughter,-a lovely young lady she is !~



12:18PM | Thu, 08 January 2009

This is fantastic, terrific, super cute, funny and beautiful Michelle. An outstanding capture. This turned out great. Wonderfully written. Brings back fond memories. Really farout image. Huggs... Silkylady...



2:47PM | Thu, 08 January 2009

Hi Michelle. So that's Katie.. finally a face to a name. She is very cute.. takes after her mother I Peanut looks exactly like our dog Tiny, except Tiny is black. Great photos and such a cute dog too. Hugs and stuff from Dave :^)



4:30PM | Thu, 08 January 2009

this is cute wonderful work



10:34PM | Thu, 08 January 2009

Ha, good dog and in very good company Michelle! May you have joy and happiness with the new baby.



11:31PM | Thu, 08 January 2009

I wish Peanuts the best, looks like he has landed a loving home! ;)



1:57PM | Fri, 09 January 2009

Lol, the oldest trick in the book :) Welcome your new addition to the family :)

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