Sat, Feb 15, 12:23 AM CST

Dark Knight Night

Vue Science Fiction posted on Dec 31, 2008
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OK, I'll admit it, although I don't like car renders per se, there's just something about the Batman Begins/Dark Knight Tumbler version of the Batmobile that gets to me. Quote in my banner a paraphrase of Jack Nicholson's Joker in Tim Burton's "Batman". Background, terrain, and lighting setup is mine. Tumbler is a Lightwave import I found somewhere but can't remember the source (any ideas guys?) Edit 01/01/09: I found where I downloaded the Tumbler from, it's by rustythe1 and can be found at

Comments (9)



12:24PM | Wed, 31 December 2008

Great detail on model!



12:37PM | Wed, 31 December 2008

Yeah, it does look cool! Excellent render! (:



1:11PM | Wed, 31 December 2008

I have the similar one in the miniature car my friend. Superb cheer work and your sublime Misadventure. Mile mercies ((5++)) J'ai le similaire en auto miniature mon ami . Bravo superbe travail et ton Avatar sublime. Mile mercis ((5++))



1:15PM | Wed, 31 December 2008

Great light and render. Very well done. 5+



3:30PM | Wed, 31 December 2008

Fun and super nice render.


4:16PM | Wed, 31 December 2008

This site needs more art like this. You are one talented individual. Much of the art on here looks to be done fast and I think some post just for the sake of posting but yours obviously took some work and thought. All I can say is EXCELLENT



4:37PM | Wed, 31 December 2008

Great work! EXT! Happy New Year!



5:06PM | Wed, 31 December 2008

Very nice work on this render. I don't know where you got the model, but if you find out, please let us know. A very Happy New Year to you.



8:15PM | Wed, 31 December 2008

Intriguing render and model, I like it.

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