Mon, Feb 17, 12:42 PM CST

Oh Child of Mine

Photography Seasonal/Holiday posted on Dec 14, 2008
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My youngest son Sean is graduating High School this year and this was their last Solo Chorus. You have to audition for this night. Not only did he do a solo song of Please Be Home for Christmas by the Eagles...albeit in a very bluesy Elvis (he doesn't know it yet but Blues is in his soul) but he was as he has been Santa every year of high school. Of all the pics, this one reaches in and grabs my heart. I realized I was watching my son embracing the moment. So with that thought in mind... Reach way back into your childhood memories and embrace the holiday. And if you have snow where you are......get out and make some snow angels,have a snowball fight. Here's wishing all of you a wonderfully joyous holiday season.

Comments (13)



1:25PM | Sun, 14 December 2008

Wonderful and beauty capture mu Dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!bravissima!V:DDD.Hugsxx Whylma.Happy Holidays to You and Family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



1:27PM | Sun, 14 December 2008

wow ! fantastic presentation and congratulations to your son.



1:56PM | Sun, 14 December 2008

This is wonderful!! Happy Holidays to you and your family as well



2:28PM | Sun, 14 December 2008

Beautiful image!!!



3:38PM | Sun, 14 December 2008

Really great pic and huge congratulations on your son and his wonderful talent



3:40PM | Sun, 14 December 2008




4:16PM | Sun, 14 December 2008

awwwwwwwww--what a great moment for I think us mothers great a bigger kick out of these things than they do themselves lol My heart goes out to all these kids and your son as I would be right there with all of them nice to see kids doing things we hear so many bad things these days huh? I love to sing dance (still do))) and what a santa ::bravo mom!~~ lovely photo: 5+++++



4:41PM | Sun, 14 December 2008

look like you have a actor on your hands too. wonderful looking shot



8:25PM | Sun, 14 December 2008

I wish we could have seen his face, and had some sound to it all. Great pic and I know the feelings you have. I was so proud of Dave, when he was in this big program at school with music, and he did the choreography for the dances. He was a great dancer in there, throwing a gal over his anatomy, and teaching the others the steps. So I feel your feelings. Proud Moms. Love the colors. Huggs...Silkylady...



11:08PM | Sun, 14 December 2008

A proud Momma! :)



3:17AM | Mon, 15 December 2008

Congratulations to your son, dear Michelle !!! I also think you can be proud of him !!! Happy Holidays to you and your family as well !!! Very nice capture and work !!! 5* Hugs:)



11:54AM | Mon, 15 December 2008

This is the stuff happy memories are made of, great group photo.



9:54PM | Tue, 16 December 2008

Very expressive Santa, wish we could see his face. Cool photo and I'm sure this image will give fond memories for years to come. Bravo and hugs from Dave :^)

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