Sat, Feb 15, 1:19 AM CST

Memory of Twilight

Fractal Fractal posted on Nov 27, 2008
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UF5. Please full view for true color. Thanks to all who have graciously commented on my last few images!

Comments (11)



2:13AM | Thu, 27 November 2008

Oh...this is wonderful! The full view shows the beautiful details much better.



2:37AM | Thu, 27 November 2008

I agree with Titia



3:35AM | Thu, 27 November 2008

Excellent presentation !



4:11AM | Thu, 27 November 2008

Oooh, fantastic colors and textures. I love the underlying gnarls.



5:00AM | Thu, 27 November 2008

Fantastic! I wish I'd made this.



5:23AM | Thu, 27 November 2008

Magical work ;O)



5:23AM | Thu, 27 November 2008

Excellent work!



9:36AM | Thu, 27 November 2008

I agree with Titia, Juliette and all the others ;-) Wonderful work.



12:45PM | Thu, 27 November 2008

This is such a wonderful piece. I like the play between the dark and light textures and the vertical lines of the background.



3:06PM | Thu, 27 November 2008

This reminds me of the atmospheric phenomenon called noctilucent clouds. Because they are the highest clouds in the earth's atmosphere, they remain brightly lit well after twilight. (You can put "Noctilucent cloud" into Wikipedia to read about them.) The clever way that you incorporated the gnarls gives the impression of prehistoric glyphs, combined with that pinch-like distortion in the center, making the image seem like I'm looking back through a rift in space-time and seeing into our primordial beginnings. Also, you've used just the right hues to create the kind of mood for that time of night. Dave



4:49PM | Fri, 28 November 2008

Outstanding work! Splendid creation. Bunny

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