Tue, Feb 18, 1:30 PM CST

Sharper Vue

Vue Fantasy posted on Nov 25, 2008
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"Sharp Glance" figures imported into Vue then re-rendered. I switched the image from the one I originally posted to add some postwork to try and resolve a grain problem. A stylized version of me in my younger years. OK, so my real hair is longer and redder, but it's still pretty accurate. After a fashion. Ish. Kinda. I actually prefer this one to the Poser rendered one, to be honest.

Comments (8)



6:15AM | Tue, 25 November 2008

Yup, this one's sharper, but the grain annoys me a little. Lol @ your notes. Funnt comments.



6:36AM | Tue, 25 November 2008

Yeah, for some reason the hair comes out like that in Vue ... I'm thinking of taking it into photoshop for postwork touchup to try and resolve that, I can't figure out how to fix it in Vue itself @ render time :(



6:36AM | Tue, 25 November 2008




7:23AM | Tue, 25 November 2008

It looks good to me! Wonderful image! (:



8:22AM | Tue, 25 November 2008

Great action pic! Stunning colors!



11:46AM | Tue, 25 November 2008

Great render!



10:04AM | Sat, 29 November 2008

There is no doubt that this picture totally smokes the previouse version. The skin tones alone make it the best, they are much more warm and realistic. The texture details are much more refined. When you push sharpness up the alogorythms often will start giving you noise, the trick is to find the balance. I think you struck a good balance. Tattoo job really adds to the strength of this character.



4:01PM | Mon, 01 December 2008

Cool work! Very well done!

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