Sun, Feb 9, 8:16 AM CST

Hitchiker (Alternate)

Vue Science Fiction posted on Oct 29, 2008
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This is the version of Hitchhiker using auto-exposure. I like the way the volumetric is highlighted, and you can just see a shade of the background terrain, but the way it reflects and amplifies the texture on the crawler isn't what I wanted. I haven't figured out how to reduce that, but I'm leaning towards trying multi-pass to see if I can sepaarte the volumetric spotlight out so I can add it alone without over-exposing the crawler hull. Any ideas guys?

Comments (6)



11:10AM | Wed, 29 October 2008

Great render. The lightning is perfect (also the modelling).



1:51PM | Wed, 29 October 2008

Very well done. 5+.



2:31PM | Wed, 29 October 2008

what you could do is go into the volumetric properties of the light and have a play with the settings in there. (Assuming you have infinite or the lighttune module (I think it's called ))



3:32PM | Wed, 29 October 2008

nods I was also thinking of going back in, exploding the crawler, then using the influence settings to see if I can avoid over-exposing the fore-hull with that spot and still keep the volumetric as vivid as it is with that exposure level. Or maybe I'm overthinking it trying to find a solution for an effect - the way the shadowing in dust comes off the alien spine tube?


1:09PM | Thu, 06 November 2008

The other thing you can do is render 2 or 3 images with different light, then spend some work trying to post-work them together. Especially nice if the machine/tractor can have panels turned "off/invisible".



8:00AM | Wed, 19 November 2008

Actually, if you open up the offending light's options, there is an "influence" tab. In there you can set what you want the light to effect. Or if you really want to get fancy, make a plane between the crawler and the light. set the material to "shadow only", and it should block the light. I would guess( Ive never tried this so I can't guarantee it) that you can adjust the amount of shadow by playing around with the transparency of the plane.

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