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Poser Landscape posted on Oct 18, 2008
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OMG, it's been since April that I have made and uploaded an image from Poser. I feel so rusty. This image has an odd feel to it, like you don't quite know what to think of it. What are these people? Are they travelers? Are they lost? They look like they are not in the best part of town. I hope they find their way safely. I do know that she is helplessly in love and wants him to take care of business quickly cause she doesn't want to wait much longer.

Comments (7)



11:02PM | Sat, 18 October 2008

this is indeed very special of course she can not wait to get her hand on the phone and call her lover.. but what she does not know is that her father in the telephonebox is about to call this lover and tell that he and his daughter will leave town forgood.. they will return to Elf Forrest never to return.. The poor girl outside is not aware of this yet.. it will be an exciting adventure to get back to town.. but that... is a complete other story



11:55PM | Sat, 18 October 2008

Wonderful image! Would like to see the aftermath of her call... Well done



2:39AM | Sun, 19 October 2008

I like the mood of this pic and I like the composition! Splendid work!



1:37PM | Sun, 19 October 2008

Belle scène !



5:11AM | Mon, 20 October 2008

Nice scene, good render-work!



1:45PM | Tue, 21 October 2008

Very good pose and render. Great scene. 5+


12:11PM | Fri, 24 October 2008

Great lighting and pose.

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