Sun, Feb 16, 4:59 PM CST


Poser Science Fiction posted on Oct 13, 2008
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First scene of a comic poking fun at fangirls, for a friend on deviantArt. Original rendered in Poser, using a mix of Predator from Sixus and the PoserPredatorTBKoen Yahoo group. Taken across to Photoshop for post, finally converted to the comic appearance using a PS action.

Comments (11)



1:10PM | Mon, 13 October 2008

Cool postwork. 5+



1:30PM | Mon, 13 October 2008

I love the predator!!! This rocks!



3:43PM | Mon, 13 October 2008

Excellent post work. You did really great job here. Good luck with your series, they can really work well for attracting and holding people to your site. You are off to a good start.



4:28PM | Mon, 13 October 2008

I love it. 5+.



12:38AM | Tue, 14 October 2008

Thanks for the kind words and compliments. Aliens and Predators make great subjects :) The postwork is the part that always has me struggling. Poser makes the initial render so easy, but the postwork is (I think) where the skill comes into the process. Some of the stuff I see around here has me scratching my head like crazy wondering how the hell they managed to make it look so good with postwork!



6:06AM | Tue, 14 October 2008

Cool use of the predator, and I like the style!



6:49PM | Wed, 15 October 2008

I like it.



5:37PM | Thu, 16 October 2008

Nice :)



5:07PM | Fri, 17 October 2008

Real cool one love the cartoon effect here!



9:58AM | Wed, 29 October 2008

When I first started in Poser, in 2000, the idea was to "keep it pure", with no postwork at all. I left the Vue community here, mostly because I got so many negative comments about doing postwork, which smooths out the rough edges and can really add to the render itself. I thought "keeping it pure" was a very bad idea. It's what you do after the render that counts. This looks like an actual magazine illustration. Very well done. So...hey, don't keep it "pure"....



10:37AM | Fri, 31 October 2008

Wonderful creation and lighting...

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