Mi nombre es Ludy. Nacà un 28 de enero en Egipto pero vine muy pequeña a residir en Uruguay, Sudamérica. Pais del que nunca me fui. Soy Psicóloga y Escritora, casada hace 44 años con mi esposo Juan. Tengo tres hijos, dos varones y una mujer, mayores, también dos nietas mujeres. Desde el colegio siempre me dedique a pintar y escribir, ahora también soy webmasters. Tengo varios sitios en la Web, pero eso no importa ahora. Lo que si deseo que sepan es que desde que descubrà los programas de diseño grafico no paro de estar acá trabajando en esto y cambiando mis propias pinturas al óleo por arte digital. Lamentablemente no hablo ingles, pero lo voy aprendiendo de a poco. Esto mismo hace que algunas tareas del Poser por ejemplo, no las entienda por el inglés. Quiero agradecer con todo mi corazón a todos los amigos que encontré aquÃ, en Renderosity y que con mucho amor me han recibido. Debo decir que admiro los grandes y geniales artistas que hay acá y de todos ellos voy aprendiendo algo.  Desde el fondo de mi corazón, Muchas Gracias por visitar mi galerÃa y les envÃo un beso gigante directo al corazón de cada uno. Ludy Mellt Sekher
PRESENTATION My name is Ludy. I was born a January 28, in Egypt but I came when I was child to Uruguay, South America. Country of which I never went away. I am a psychologist and a writer, married 44 years ago with my husband Juan. I have three children, two males and a woman (they are all grown up already), also I have two granddaughters. Since I was in school I spent my free time painting and writing. Now I am, also, a web mistress. I have several websites, but it doesnt matter now. What I really want you to know is that since I discovered the programs of graphical design I cant stop working at this and changing my own oil paintings into digital art. Lamentably I do not speak English, but I am learning it slowly. This makes some functions of the Poser, for example, impossible for me to understand them, as they are in English. I would like to say thanks with all my heart to all those friends that I have made here, in Renderosity, and received me with all their love. I must say that I admire those magnificent artists that exist here and I learn things from them every day. From the bottom of my heart thank you very much for visiting my gallery and I send a huge kiss to the heart of each one of you.
Ludy Mellt Sekher (Cyra Gosurreta Gravina) 2 names)
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Comments (100)
ENGLISH AZARA, THE DAUGHTER OF LANCELOT (Excuse my English, I used a translator) And a Blue Look of you Wake up of smooth and ardent sparkles, was giving again the life to Camelot. That Blue Look travelled through the entire world. Was the hope that revived the faith and the happiness to feel the life to run for among the veins of the time. All in calm, the butterflies arose, the sun to the high thing smiled from behind at night...Flocks of centaurs and Pegasus's moistening in the bank of a crystalline waterfall. The mother earth was born again, small hummingbirds they imbibed among the roses, multicoloured birds flew entity the trees... were opened the thirsty corollas of life, with the discovered breasts and the silky... scalps The Blue Look knew that before another dawn all the ones that love, they achieve its dreams; and that the first lights they would flash that discover the ephemeral mists and that announce the to revive of everything that has...The Aptitude to Dawn... That a day would find us, with the invading light of ethereal, luminous, and improbable corners, walking toward God in the hour to be exact, in the minute agreed... Where the night finishes its looks of open sky would be initiated and the reunion, always surprising of Sun would arise and Life... Arturo had returned in the body of the daughter of Lancelot and Ginevere, its name. Azara. (All the ones that go, they return from any way to be found with us) Fragment of my book "The Legend of the King Arturo" (fantastic Literature) Copyright 1996- 1.459.689.M I. S. B. N Editorial L. M. S. Montevideo- Uruguay (Will continue) Ludy Mellt Sekher© THE MUSIC OF THIS SERIES they CAN LISTEN IT FOR HERE: http://www.sekher.com/lancelot.swf Thank you so much for to look at my work, by its opinions and favorite. I ask excuses because I was sick and I could not come, I am going to delay in signing to all and do not I have words to tell them the beautiful thing that are its works. I love You so much. Gigantic kiss Credits: Background Bryce and Adobe Illustrator. Images in Poser, lights and effects in Photoshop and my eyes that are my firm. Ludy@>--->--- PORTUGUÉS AZARA, A FILHA DE LANCELOT E uma Mirada Azul de Amaneceres de suaves e ardentes destellos, foi dando novamente a vida a Camelot. Essa Mirada Azul percorreu o mundo inteiro. Era a esperança que resurgía, a fé e a dita de sentir a vida correr por entre as veias do tempo. Tudo em acalma, surgiam as borboletas, o sol ao alto sorria por trás da noite...Rebanhos de centauros e pegasos chapinando na ribera de uma cascata cristalina. A mãe terra voltou a nascer, pequenos colibríes libaban entre as rosas, pássaros multicolores voavam ente as árvores... Abriam-se as corolas sedentas de vida, com os seios descobertos e as cabelleras sedosas... A Mirada Azul sabia que dantes de outro amanhecer todos os que amam, conseguem seus sonhos; e que destellarían as primeiras luzes que descobrem as efémeras brumas e que anunciam o resurgir de todo o que tem... A Capacidade de Amanhecer.... Que encontrar-nos-ia num dia, com a luz invasora de rincões inverosímiles, luminosos e etéreos, caminhando para Deus na hora precisa, no minuto lembrado... Onde a noite acaba iniciar-se-iam suas miradas de céu aberto e surgiria o reencuentro, sempre surpreendente de Sol e Vida... Arturo tinha voltado no corpo da filha de Lancelot e Ginevere, seu nome. Azara. (Todos os que se vão, voltam de alguma forma a se encontrar conosco) Fragmento de meu livro "A Lenda do Rei Arturo" (Literatura fantástica) Copyright 1996- 1.459.689.M I.S.B.N Editorial L.M.S. Montevideo- Uruguai (Continuará) Ludy Mellt Sekher© A MÚSICA DESTA SÉRIE PODEM-NA ESCUTAR POR CÁ: http://www.sekher.com/lancelot.swf Muito obrigado por olhar meu trabalho, por suas opiniões e favoritos. Peço desculpas porque estive doente e não pude vir, vou demorar em assinar a todos e não tenho palavras para lhes dizer o formosos que são seus trabalhos. Quero-os muito. Beijo gigante Créditos: Background Bryce e Adobe Ilustrador. Imagens em Poser, luzes e efeitos em Photoshop e meus olhos que são minha assinatura. Ludy@>--->--- FRANÇAIS AZARA, LA FILLE DE LANCELOT (Un pardon par mon Français, j'ai usé un traducteur) Et un Regard Bleu de Levers du jour d'étincelles lisses et ardentes, a récemment donné la vie à Camelot. Ce Regard Bleu a parcouru le monde complet. C'était l'espoir qui resurgía, la foi et le cette de de sentir de la vie courir parmi les venas du temps. Tout en calme, apparaissaient les papillons, le soleil à à ce qui est haut sonreía derrière la nuit... Troupeaux de centauros et pegasos en chapoteando dans le rivage d'une cascade cristalline. La mère terre est née à nouveau, petits libaban colibríes entre les roses, des oiseaux multicolores volaient être les arbres... On ouvrait ce qui est corolas assoiffées de vie, avec les seins découverts et ce qui est cabelleras soyeuses... Le Regard Bleu savait qu'avant un autre lever du jour tous ceux qui aiment, obtiennent leurs rêves ; et qui enflammeraient les premières lumières qui découvrent les brumes éphémères et qui annoncent resurgir de de tout ce qu'il a... La Capacité de Faire jour.... Qui nous trouverait un jour, avec la lumière envahisseur de coins peu probables, lumineux et etéreos, en marchant vers Dieu dans l'heure précise, dans la minute décidée... Où la nuit finit on entamerait ses regards de ciel ouvert et apparaîtrait le reencuentro, toujours surprenant le Soleil et la Vie... Arturo était retourné dans le corps de la fille Lancelot et de Ginevere, son nom. Azara. (Tous ceux qu'on va, retournent d'une certaine manière à trouver avec nous) Fragment de mon livre " La Légende du Roi Arturo " (Littérature fantastique) Copyright 1996 - 1.459.689.M I.S.B.N Éditorial L.M.S. Montevideo Uruguay (Il Continuera) Ludy Mellt Sekher© LA MUSIQUE DE CETTE SÉRIE PEUVENT L'ÉCOUTER PAR LÀ : http://www.sekher.com/lancelot.swf Merci beaucoup de surveiller mon travail, par ses avis et favoris. Je demande des excuses parce que j'ai été malade et n'ai pas pu venir, je vais retarder en signer tous et n'ai pas de mots pour dire leur beaux ce qui est qui sont ses travaux. Les veux beaucoup. Baiser géant Crédits : Background Bryce et Adobe Ilustrador. Images en Poser, lumières et effets en Photoshop et mes yeux qui sont ma signature. Ludy@>--->---
Beautiful family image!!! Excellent work!!!
beautiful :-) hugs
Super Image!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lovely Work, I hope you are fieling better, Big Hug...;)
goldie Online Now!
oh, ludy, this image is wonderful...colors, poses and scenery are all so beautiful and well done...instant fav!
las sonrisas son muy naturales y trabajo hermoso
Such a touching scene. Beautifuly done. Hope you are feeling better. Take care of your health. Aloha
Wonderful image Ludy and story superb work as always hope your feeling better hugs lou x
Hacele mira los rizos en esa princesa pequeña, la imagen maravillosa Ludy, usted hace la leyenda del rey Arturo mucho más emocionando que recuerdo de mi niñez. El trabajo espectacular estimada señora. ¡Bravo! !!!! Espero que usted se sienta mejor, hace no sobre hace las cosas y se cansa usted mismo fuera. Relájese y tome las cosas fáciles. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Will you look at the curls on that little princess, wonderful image Ludy, you make the Arthurian legend a lot more exciting than I remember from my childhood. Spectacular work dear lady. Bravo!!!!! I hope you are feeling much better, don't over do things and tire yourself out. Relax and take things easy.
that is aweosme nice image ")
Wonderful and beautiful scene. Wonderful colors and details. Excellent work, my friend!
Very creative and romantic scene of this beatuful story!!
Wow, Ludy, this is so beautiful and touching piece of art! You have trully wonderful imagination, my friend:) Five stars from me:)
Very beautiful!! My friend Ludy, I was happy feeling, too.
You did a very good work here Ludy! Fantastic composition..love it :)
Wow! Ludy belliima imagen e historia.
eekdog Online Now!
7*s hon, this is so wonderfuly done sweetie. glad your feeling better. contrast, render and detail are super... keep em coming my friend. lol steve
Fantastic and lovely image...Excellent work!!
Such a beautiful scene Ludy! Lovely characters and super detail at the back! Very well done my friend!
Wonderful work.
Wonderful and very lovely composition!!! Fantastic atmosphere and expression!!!
Ludy, A very pretty picture. Rich with everything. Color, beauty, affection. Full of lovely and loving feelings.
Great scene! Love that background - took me a while to find the eyes today!
maravilloso amiga sin palabras
Oh Ludy, what a beautiful, touching image, so cheerful!
wow great work, looks so good!
¡Una escena más encantadora y feliz! Hermosamente hecho en su estilo usual de la bondad y cuidar
A very beautiful work, dear Ludy. Hugs. Diane.
Wonderful image