Mon, Feb 10, 4:21 PM CST

Cleaning Day

Poser Pin-ups posted on Jun 14, 2008
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My girlfriend went away for business trip for couple of days, and she left me in charge of cleaning our bathroom...GRRRR!!!...and I really don't feel like it :( So, I had this fantastic idea, that maybe if I do a render about toilet cleaning, and show it to her when she comes home, she will let me off the hook :P !! What do you think??...Am I just getting my ass kicked for this...?? So I told Turmaline...Ok, young lady!'s posing time again. And she was like...Oh yeeiii!!...can I pose naked again??, But I told her, no, no, isn't just jumping around nude all the' ve gotta work for your living, you know...Sorry Fabi, I'm enslaving your dear girl :) Beautiful and hard working Turmaline is created by talented Fabiana aka FK Design. Anime hair by Bobbie25 and Swam. Scarf by PhilC, and Sydney's shirt converted to Turmaline with Wardrobe Wizard 2, also by PhilC. Jeans by Outoftouch and Al3d. Bathroom is freebie created by Sonardor. Spray bottle and bucket are also freebies from Rendered in Vue 6. Thank you so much for comments and views :)!!

Comments (86)


10:10AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

great work congratulations!!!! ++++++ 5



10:17AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Well, as beautiful as Turmaline looks in the Fantastic Render, I think you will get your butt kicked lol. A render of the toilett cleaning wont get rid of dirt and smell. hehehe I hope your Girlfriend is forgiving lol.



10:20AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Well she seems to have got everything nice and clean. Oh yeah, and you haven't done too bad a job yourself, great picture.



10:23AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

You are probably right about the ass kicking my friend, but looking at this image I yhink it will be worth it LOL. Great looking scene, 5++



10:23AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Kimmo, if I was your girlfriend, you couldn´t convince me in ANY way with a piccy... cleaning is cleaning and art is art LOL... but I approve the thing of sending the girl to work... we need to educate those wild ones...and they must give something back for the rendering and the attention LOL LOL !!!!! Excellent, I love this new serie of real life scenes... you go directly to the top 5!!!!!



10:24AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Gosh I hate cleaning the bathroom too!Beautiful and creative image!



10:25AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

WOW!! she looks sexy even when scrubbing out the crap house! I love this, very well done.


10:40AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Excellent !! Unusual for one of yours though. I'm used to seeing more skin :D Wonderful work lol :) 5.



10:47AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

:D please clean the bathroom! if you show it to her she will be thinking of a 'one bath stand' with your 3d turmaline ;D


10:50AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

LOL !! très bien inspiré !! ça sert de faire le ménage :) excellent !!



10:59AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Hahaha..... I don't think this is gonna fly as far as your girlfriend is concerned! But it is one sweet render, very well done, and I like the level of realism!!



11:01AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Excellent render...the realism is astonding and the lighting is perfect. Love your work.



11:05AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Super image..Turmaline always looks wonderful!!



11:05AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

That reminds me of something I wanted to do today. Maybe she could lend me a hand?



11:06AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Really great "slice of life" render! Well done!!! (don't think you're off the hook though... LOL!)



11:10AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

She is very nice! I like this one!



11:24AM | Sat, 14 June 2008




11:28AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Cute Gal and nice rag on her head and Yeah, you just better hide when she gets back for a while ;^)



11:35AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Did I say, that I love your art? Wonderful and excellent render again, my friend! huge hus



11:45AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Considering I'm a mommy I can relate to this picture ;) She's very pretty, great pose and I'm diggin' that curtain. Well done!



11:55AM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Quando a Marcia saiu não adiantou, eu tive que limpar o banheiro, espero que você tenha melhor sorte. Trabalho magnifico, iluminação e realização soberba, magnifica obra, aplausos (5) When to Marcia he/she left was not fast, I had to clean the bathroom, I hope you have better luck. Work magnifies, illumination and superb accomplishment, magnifies work, applause (5)



12:23PM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Very good quality lighting, nicely put together scene.



12:25PM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Fantastic render . It reminds me of my own bathroom needs to be cleaned ...



12:27PM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Cleaning...pfffffff....leave it to another....absolutely a perfect render as always, great scene and I really gonna like Turmaline!!



12:45PM | Sat, 14 June 2008

lol... I love your commentary! this is fantastic. I really like the shower curtain. her pose and expression is perfect. well done.



12:49PM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Bravo, excellent travail, superbe image!


12:59PM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Excellent image!



1:24PM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Wowwwwwww amazing image!!!



1:28PM | Sat, 14 June 2008

Beautiful color schemes with the orange and gray. The character looks just fantastic too, even if she's cleaning the bathroom :)



2:19PM | Sat, 14 June 2008

I don't think you stand a chance. A picture may be worth a thousand words (or so some people may say), but it's not worth any chores!

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