Tue, Feb 11, 12:35 AM CST

Black Magic Woman

Poser Gothic posted on Feb 28, 2008
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I got a Black Magic Woman. I got a Black Magic Woman. Yes, I got a Black Magic Woman, She's got me so blind I can't see; But she's a Black Magic Woman and she's trying to make a devil out of me. Santana - Black Magic Woman

Comments (6)



6:16AM | Thu, 28 February 2008

Superb Pose, expression, lighting and reflections effect.



6:32AM | Thu, 28 February 2008

Excellent image! I was humming that song even before I opened the image! Ouch ... that dates me!



6:40AM | Thu, 28 February 2008

The expression is really good. BUT (maybe you've noticed already) the hat poking through the raised arm kind of spoils it for me.



9:18AM | Thu, 28 February 2008

I like that song, you watch its gonna get stuck in my head too now lol. Nice pose and expression, and the outfit and lighting are very cool. I gotta agree with poltraite though, the hat through the arm is a downer, real easy fix though. Other than that, nice concept and idea with the monochromatic style



4:19PM | Thu, 28 February 2008

creative,clean, very agreeably to the eyes.I Like very much!



1:32AM | Fri, 29 February 2008

Thank you all for pointing out the hat i was very tired when i upped this image and did not see it in my postwork. Though now i hope that people will agree myself included it is better :)

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