"golden time" by Enomis
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I am Beginner... this picture I provided 5 + Photoshop CS3 with Bryce. Reflection inspires me.
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Sorry, mine english is not good...
Comments (8)
Very cool! Great materials.
lookin good , keep em commin!
wow ..... really cool very nices shades of gold
excellent first render,BRAVO!!!!!!!
Great first effort - the expression on the smaller character is quite haunting! Well done!
wow! you say you are a beginner? wow!! really excellent art from you and looks like you will be a master soon! if you need any help about abstracts just drop me an email and i will always try and pass on things i have learnt ;) abstract art is amazing and really creative and i think you have what it takes!! BIG BRAVO!! ;D ps take a peek in my gallery if you ever have some spare time and see where abstract art can take you! try mirrored ground planes or mirrored spheres as they work really well ;D best of luck!!
Very beautiful composition, lighting and golden mood!!!
Welcome to Renderosity. :) Definitely a good start. Nice reflections in this.