Sat, Feb 8, 1:20 PM CST

La vie en rose

Poser Fantasy posted on Apr 06, 2007
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I watched the movie Marie-Antoinette last week and was inspired... I wanted to do a dress, in the movie they were so pretty and the colours so amazing but couldn't find anything to match... then I saw my friend Powerage's newest creation and was inspired again :) Credits: Dentelle by Powerage Louly by _ClauDe Pose by Ilona Hair colour and style by Ilona and MadameL Background windows and wall was done with Versailles Chateau brushes by Angel of the Music at Deviant Art Thank you all for looking and for your past comments, I appreciate

Comments (88)



3:59PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

This is so lovely! wonderful scene and colors!I love the paravent in the back!



4:02PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Very excellent, love the pose and colors!!!



4:02PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Very inspiring. Reminds me of a Tolouse Lautrec. Beautifully done



4:02PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Very beautiful scene!! Magnifique!!



4:04PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

C'est en effet une superbe inspiration ! Il me semble me que le morphing du visage est tr ressemblant de celui de l'actrice ! Voulu ou pas , c'est un beau travail d'ensemble et le dor est hyper soign:) Bien vue louly et bravo pour ton image . ^^



4:13PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

POOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAA comme dirai Jo :o) L'ambiance est l tr jolie image et parie rssi ! Beautiful work and very good atmosphere :o) *****



4:14PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Wow, wow, wow!!! This scene is fantastic, the theme shows through in everything not just the costume. The screen behind, the candles, the fan ... very impressive.



4:18PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

{@}~Hello my dear friend, Beautiful Image Incredible composition Excellent lighting * Congratulations! A million stars from me!!! *** Hug and Happy Easter Luminous blesing. Ludy{@}~



4:20PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Beautifully composed and rendered. Well done! *****



4:21PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Wonderful work!!!!!!!!!!!


4:23PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Excellent scene!



4:24PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

WOW oh my gosh WOOOW! This is amazing! The detail is increadable! The colors too. She is beautiful and sooo sexy for Marie-Antoinette. How could anyone chop off her head?



4:24PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Tous simplement magnifique tous point de vue, cette image respire l'ance! Bravo Lou! So excellent and elegant work, I love it, right in my fav!!!!!!! Hugsssssssssss



4:32PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Beautiful scene! Lovely colors!


4:33PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Je suis sans mots !!!!!!! Magnifique ... un tableau de mare ! c'est du grand Art !!! Elle ira sement loin cette image..................... et directement dans mes favoris + que 5*


Tipol Online Now!

4:36PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

c'est superbement magnifique, je suis oustoufl, milles bravos



4:39PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Fantastic, just like the film.... la me ambiance parfaitement retranscrite. Gial!



4:45PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

ABsolutelly beautiful Louise! The lights and mood plus all the awesome textures = FANTASTIC!


5:14PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Wow!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!! tr jolie!!! Bravo! +5



5:15PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Tr belle vie en rose;) svp voir: bonne fin semaine a toi. @+Funjoker



5:23PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

sexy et tres bien rlis!



5:25PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Excellente image de Louly, Louly ! Tr affriolant ! J'aime beaucoup les teintes de vert-bleu..., la mise en sce... tout quoi... Bravo !



5:27PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

C'est vrai que l'on dirait une peinture du sile dernier. C'est une jolie image toute en douceur .... Les dessous de Chris habillent joliment mon b:o) Encore bravo.



5:31PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Gorgeous. Her outfit and pose are wonderful done.


5:54PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

TRIPLE WOW-render !!! Gorgeous character and the textures and colors in this creation are truly stunning and wonderfull !!! Most excellent scene composition !!! Beautifull lighting and exquisite surroundings !!! Fabulous masterpiece !!!



6:01PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

You were inspired, now I am inspired....outstanding beauty! Love her outfit and her room is full of nice details.



6:37PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

love the whole composition hun! Excellent work!



7:06PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Wow!!! Absolutley beautiful. Instant fav!!!



7:10PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Wonderful image!!!



7:21PM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Un petit chef d'oeuvre remarquable :) B r a v o

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