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Photography Flowers/Plants posted on Apr 03, 2007
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Greater Stitchwort - Stellaria holostea This to me is one of our prettiest wildflowers. It grows in abundance along hedgerows and woodland edges, in many locations during the spring / early summer. It is often overlooked, perhaps because it is so abundant people pass it by without ever stopping to look more closely. many thanks for viewing Richard.

Comments (37)



11:27AM | Tue, 03 April 2007

Very simple - and simply beautiful. It looks like it is being blessed.



11:31AM | Tue, 03 April 2007

now this is a brilliantly well lit image. d colours, d compo & use of dof is fantastic



11:32AM | Tue, 03 April 2007

A superb shot, Richard. Perfect lighting. Beautiful presentation too.This plant grows in abundance where I live. I have always loved this tiny flower. It grows freely in my garden, I never disturb it. Thank you, I now know what it is!!! Hugs. Di.



12:15PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

I cannot belive how incredibly gorgeous such a "simple" shot can look. This is beyond perfect buddy. The shallow DOF and spot on focus really takes this to another level. Bravo Sir!!!!!! #:o)



12:54PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

nice DOF and full photo



12:57PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

WOW!! A perfect plant portrait, lol. This 'really' is a beautiful shot, very well done! :)



1:00PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

Very beautiful!!!



1:20PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

It is lovely, and you did a great job capturing it. I especially like the clear, clean beauty of the white petals...I bet you'd love this book I found at an antique shop. It's a field guide to wildflowers, over 100 years old, and contains some of the flowers the original owner found along the way, pressed in between the pages. That always struck me as kind of romantic. -M :^)



1:25PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

Wow, this is a beautiful flower and an even more beautiful photo! Great clarity and dof, well done!



1:36PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

Simply stunning in its simplicity. The lighting is gorgeous and the dof is perfect.



1:42PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

I hope Ma'Nature will reward you a tribute too as you take time to see what's around us and capture this frail bloomy you share here.. Jolie image de printemps dich dans l'herbe, Richard ! q:) Magali



1:43PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

This is just splendid. So pure and simple. The beautiful light makes it look even more immaculate and perfect!



1:46PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

wow !!! a masterpiece !!! SUPERB !



1:51PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

The sweetness of it stands on its own. Beautiful.



2:18PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

Your POV, DOF and colours is just lovely. Great work



2:58PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

Wonderful colors and light. Outstanding details and DOF. Excellently done!!


3:10PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

this is stunning......tender and so breakable



3:33PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

I just love this dainty image ! Excellentissime photo, Richard ! smiley_098.gif



5:22PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

Thank you for this shot Richard!!! It went to my favs+ again.. One of the best POVS with such flower.. Thank you so much my friend and keep them comming! Have a wonderful warm day now JOE



6:03PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

Excellent macro work!



6:14PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

Most delicate shot!



7:37PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

Wonderful picture!!!



8:35PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

In your hands this common flower has become a masterpiece.



9:59PM | Tue, 03 April 2007

love the lighting here



6:37AM | Wed, 04 April 2007

very elegant small flower and you done a beautiful capture


8:10AM | Wed, 04 April 2007

Oh yes, very nice composition and beautiful picture !!! :)



12:44PM | Wed, 04 April 2007

Hello Richard, i don't forget your shots but i have no much time and i dont' make a lot of comments on Rr this one is like always beautiful with a perfect light! have a nice evening!



8:15PM | Wed, 04 April 2007

how elegantly beautiful surpurbly done!!!!....WOW!



7:51AM | Thu, 05 April 2007

Simply stunning !!!



9:13AM | Fri, 06 April 2007

Perfect light and image - even though the title confused me a bit. There's a German word "Stichwort" (without the second "t") which means something like "keyword" ;-)

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