Wed, Feb 19, 1:27 PM CST

DSF - Regrouping (for fran_joel)

Poser Fantasy posted on Mar 31, 2007
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Thank you fran_joel for Delta Strike Force. Incredible attention to detail. Merci Jo

Comments (82)



10:19PM | Sat, 31 March 2007

I love it! She seems to be so naturally posed. The colors are so vibrant I almost expect to get and walk away any second.



10:20PM | Sat, 31 March 2007

She looks so relaxed!! Awesome scene and lighting!! Excellent looking character with the outfit!! Gorgeous work!!



10:26PM | Sat, 31 March 2007

WOW Chui sur les fesses pour rester poli, une de tes meilleurs jusqu'a present, la lumie....... Tous est au TOP!!!!!!! Ficitations Lou, une magnifique image avant d'aller au lit, trop cool! BIG BRAVO! One of your best Lou! Hugssssssssssssssssss



10:28PM | Sat, 31 March 2007

Just perfect ... very well done!



10:28PM | Sat, 31 March 2007

Excellent ;) Excellent ;) Excellent *****;)



10:28PM | Sat, 31 March 2007

This one came out just great! Very good job Louly!



10:30PM | Sat, 31 March 2007

Very cool image!!! Nicely done!



10:37PM | Sat, 31 March 2007

Yeah it is a cool outfit and characte.. I was so plese to get it as a gift from Joel... awesome pack!



10:50PM | Sat, 31 March 2007

Awesome scene. Love the colors and her pose. Very beautyfull work and outstanding lights. Love this.



10:56PM | Sat, 31 March 2007

{@}~Hello my dear friend, Really magnificent and lovely scene...Bravissima! An Fantastic and inspiring creation!! Congratulations !! Beautiful dedication for Beautiful Person!!! and... A million stars from me!!! Giant kiss in Your heart. Hug and Happy weekend Luminous blesing. Ludy{@}~ (Thank you so much for your encouraging comments, with friends as you, I always will continue)(Sorry my English, I use a translator)



11:19PM | Sat, 31 March 2007

Excellent scene, there is so much detail I feel like I am reading an excellent sci-fi story. Fabulous!!



11:38PM | Sat, 31 March 2007

Fantastic image and composition (wonderfully detailed). Really love the character's pose and expression!



11:49PM | Sat, 31 March 2007

Oh wow you really outdid yourself on this one!! I just love the background excellent choice to fit with the console.....Shannon ;} 5+++++++



12:09AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

Fantastic lighting and image



12:26AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

tit lapin tout dit et de redis pareil que lui en double, je reste sans voix , bravissimo



1:06AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

Faaabulous Louise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... this is an awesome scene!!!! Perfect lights as well! Yu did it again!!!!


1:23AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

Wow !!! superbe scene et composition... tout est parfait !!!!!!!


1:25AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

Wow ! la clartdes objets donne vraiment une dimension rliste la scene.La lumiere sur le sol est superbe. Tr beau rendu Louly



1:42AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

Trop pose que ton avatar photo Magnifique travail couleurs de toute beaut



1:43AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

superbe rlisation !! bravo


2:00AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

Excellent pose and lighting.Great render!!



2:21AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

Very cool scene and the background matches perfect! Love her bored pose!



2:37AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

WOW !! je suis d'accord avec tit lapin: une de tes meilleure cr Lou ! c'est S U P E R B E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bravo !


virginiese Online Now!

2:44AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

Franchement giale comme image. Tes positionnements de cama sont toujours originaux et intessants. Tr belle crtion !



2:58AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

A fantastic render and a wonderful scene!!!!



3:10AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

Excellent scene Louise! Great!


3:37AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

MOST FABULOUS AND STUNNING IMAGE !!! This one rocks !!! Love da outfit and surroundings a full 100% !!! Top quality render and the image is so detailed, crisp and clean !!! Instant fav !!!



3:52AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

Great details and splendid render my Dear!!!Bravissima..V:DDD.Hugsxx



4:01AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

Fantastic composition! Awesome lights and pose. Very, very beautiful!!!


4:35AM | Sun, 01 April 2007

Wowwww, incroyable ce travail, tous les details, la lumie et les couleurs, tout est en harmonie et celdonne une fantastique sce !!! Excellent ma Loulou !! Bisous et bon dimanche :)))

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