Mon, Feb 17, 9:07 AM CST

Northern Exposure

Fractal Landscape posted on Mar 28, 2007
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Made with UF. Thanks for looking!

Comments (20)



11:57AM | Wed, 28 March 2007

Very cool! Except for the sun setting in the north. :-)



12:03PM | Wed, 28 March 2007

North is a state of mind:) I like the trees!!!!


12:12PM | Wed, 28 March 2007

This is magnificent!!!



12:18PM | Wed, 28 March 2007

Excellent picture. If you had said it was of photo I would have believed it.


12:25PM | Wed, 28 March 2007

Paul, this is truly magnificent. I should truly love to have a copy rendered at 1360x1024 for my desktop. As know, I've been following your fractals for years and treasure every one of them. The who community has grown from the understanding of techniques you were the first to devise or perfect. It's been so long since you last shared a fractal with us here. It is magnificent, and well worth the wait. Thank you. Setemkia "Fawn" FallingTree



12:32PM | Wed, 28 March 2007

Excellent mood, excellent colouring, just really excellent work.



12:33PM | Wed, 28 March 2007

I thought it was a photo. what more needs to be said?



12:59PM | Wed, 28 March 2007

Wow! How did you do that!?!?!? lol q-: I looks like a photograph! Excellent 'n' beautiful work! (:



2:03PM | Wed, 28 March 2007

Wonderful image.



4:26PM | Wed, 28 March 2007

Since it's a fractal, I guess the sun could set in the north... hmmm. Very well done. I have to agree with Carol... how did you do that? Beautiful. Bunny



4:50PM | Wed, 28 March 2007

Very impressive. What camera did you use?



4:59PM | Wed, 28 March 2007

Wonderful to view your fantastic work. This is really impressive. My compliments ;O)



8:20PM | Wed, 28 March 2007

excellent! almost photo-realistic.



10:54PM | Wed, 28 March 2007

Holy smoke! - I swear I was just telling my wife to "look at this photo". (she's a real shutterbug) and then, I noted that the ripples in the water sorta resembled UF's Lake mapping and I thought that was kinda neat and a plus for UF....and then I read the caption. Nice'un, Paul - you really had me going! Super realistic looking fractal-work! I especially like the water and reflections - some of the best I've seen.



12:47AM | Thu, 29 March 2007

When I saw the thumbnail my first thought was "this is in the wrong gallery". But it clearly said that it was a fractal. "NO WAY". And then I saw your name. Ah.. there's a way... Amazing piece of work, but everybody already said that. ^_^


12:47AM | Thu, 29 March 2007

I see ya standing there!



9:44AM | Thu, 29 March 2007

Excellent scene. Looks very much like a photo.



9:49AM | Thu, 29 March 2007

I second Sid Bolero's comment wholly, amazing work --- hope to see more!



4:17PM | Thu, 29 March 2007

WOW! When I saw the thumb I thought, "What's a photo doing in here?" Truly amazing work, Paul.



8:45PM | Thu, 29 March 2007

Absolutely stunning sense of reality!!!

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