Sun, Feb 9, 10:16 PM CST

The "Invitation"

DAZ|Studio Glamour posted on Mar 08, 2007
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Ok......Here's the saga of this image and how it made me hurl expletives. LOL As often is the case, I should have been doing other things, but I was playing instead. It started out as an image simply to show off some textures I had made for the G2 Elegance dress (which I will be uploading soon as freebies). Of course I needed some kind of classy scene to put Sydney into and decided it was high time I did one with a ratracer set. I absolutely love all of his stuff and on top of that he's a really nice gent. So I set up the scene and then decided it needed some dramatic lighting. I ended up putting 17 of them in, all SDK shader lights, mostly point. And so began the render, adjust, render again, adjust some more, render again, compare, tweak more get where I'm going with this. LOL. Since there were so many areas to light, and each time a setting in one was tweaked it affected light levels in other areas, it required a LOT of testing. Having learned the hard way to save, save, save, I did just that...regularly. I was almost happy with it, tweaked it one final time and was doing a final test when D/S crashed. I mean bigtime crashed, not just the render crashing, but the whole program. The first expletive was a single four letter word. And then a sigh, and then reopening the program and reloading the last save. Only problem was...........the last save was corrupt. That brought about a few more words worthy of a bar of soap in the mouth. Of course, once I loaded the last save before that, I realized how much work I had lost. I also discovered something I've seen before in D/S. When using the updated lights from the SDK, when you save a scene containing them and reload it, not all the settings load as they were saved. For the point lights, the decay settings were not saved, which was really frustrating because a small change in the decay setting can ake a big difference in the final outcome. The other thing that creates difficulty is that the preview doesn't look anything like the final render when using the SDK Point lights, especially when using lots of them and in combination with Distant and Spot lights. Even when I set the parameters up like they should be, lights in the reloaded scene didn't render the same way they did before the save. Adjusted the scene, still goofy lights. More bad words. So I set off to rebuild my light set. Essentially what I did was reload the scene and then began to replace every SDK light with a non-SDK light using the copy and replace option. Here is something I learned while trying to rebuild the lights in my scene: If you have them parented to certain things in your scene, unparent them first. The reason for this is that when you do a copy and replace, it will take the transform values relative to the item it is parented to and translate them to be relative to the center of the scene rather than the item it was parented to because the replaced lights come in unparented. Your light could potentially end up waaaaaay off from where it was before, as mine did. D/S crashed again, I rebuilt it again. More nasty words. Often when you rebuild a scene, it turns out better than the original. Not so in this case. I never got it looking as good as my tiny test renders did again. So I decided to scrap the dramatic lighting idea and instead see what would happen if I turned on shadows for most of the lights, and refections for most of the surfaces. Oddly enough, D/S behaved like a most angelic child, obviously having gotten over its earlier memory isssue tantrum. Funny how these images so often start out as one thing and become something totally different. LOL As always, thanks for looking. It is very, very much appreciated. And a special thanks to those of you who took the time to leave such wonderful comments on my last few images. :)

Comments (86)



4:37PM | Tue, 13 March 2007

I am so glad you stuck with it, problems and all!! The is beautiful, elegant image. Gorgeous work from you. Diane.



2:33AM | Thu, 15 March 2007

knowing the history of the battle just made this picture so much more intense. after reading your commentary this picture carries a bad-ass-ness quality to it. like, the chick in it is you after you kicked some Daz ass and now you get to stand in a pretty dress in a pretty mansion to reap the rewards. i admire your balls even after the corrupted save didn't load, to grab you helmet and shield and go at it again. i would've given up after the first "fuck!" or "shit!" or "poo!" or whatever you were screaming. i didn't know people actually used Daz studio. i'm new to your gallery so if you've heard it before hear it again: your pictures are super dope and fresh to death. i dig em all. all of em. except your cat pictures. leave that cat alone. every single expression on that kitten says "why was i born into this crazy camera lady's house?" you bring such humanity to the expressions of your characters and create scenes that make me stare at em for a long time. keep it up. don't ever quit.



2:54AM | Thu, 15 March 2007

wow very stunning and glamorous image you have done beautiful work and great reflection and pose


3:02AM | Thu, 15 March 2007

Wow lost for words and that is a first



8:55AM | Fri, 16 March 2007

Ohhhh my ! this is stunning and love that dress...WOW !!!



6:12AM | Sat, 17 March 2007

Awesome image!



8:28AM | Sat, 17 March 2007

Elegant, impressive and wonderful!!!!!



5:56AM | Mon, 19 March 2007

Excellent image



11:55AM | Mon, 19 March 2007

WOW!this is incredible. bravo ! i've had daz do the same thing to me can really get render rage least the new version isn't quite so tempermental.



2:58PM | Wed, 21 March 2007

Wow, what a dress. Beautiful work. Great reflection.



3:56PM | Wed, 21 March 2007

Amazing scene. Love work on the details, superb ilumination. She looks absolutely gorgeous!!



6:05PM | Wed, 21 March 2007

WOW talk about an elegant scene! and she is real classy! great job baby doll! have a great week honey ;-)



5:10AM | Thu, 22 March 2007

Love the scene! And your story ... I laughed, I cried, I nodded in agreement and total understanding A LOT!!! The prices we pay for our passions. :) LOL Great work!



12:09AM | Fri, 23 March 2007

Well, Sydney is pretty awesome in her gorgeous dress! And the setting is killer! those shadows and reflectons make it spectacular! Wowzers! Well worth the all the grief!



3:05PM | Mon, 26 March 2007

Wow very glamorous. Nice render with those reflections!



12:28PM | Thu, 29 March 2007

Sorry I'm so late getting a look at this image. I've been away from Renderosity for a while setting up my new computer. That's quite a saga you've described. I'm afraid I would have thrown in the towel, but I'm glad you didn't because this is a fantastic image. The lighting and reflections are incredible. And she looks amazingly elegant. Good work. -Alan


5:55PM | Sat, 31 March 2007

Well done!



1:39AM | Mon, 09 April 2007

Beautiful end week to make art.marvellous work.....very good job ;)*****



6:57PM | Mon, 07 May 2007

Very gorgeous! Beautiful work



3:08PM | Sat, 19 May 2007

WOW.... this is one of the most beautiful renders that I had seen so far!



10:01AM | Fri, 25 May 2007

You made that on Daz? It's amazing. Me thinks your PC is better than mine...not to mention the fact you know what you're doing. No, no, it's just the PC thing, ahem.



9:25AM | Mon, 18 June 2007

Fantastic pic,love the reflection here!Well done



3:07PM | Mon, 18 June 2007

Well, after all the blood, sweat and tears, you did a fantastic job. Have seen few images so perfectly lit out in D|S.



3:47PM | Sun, 01 July 2007

excelente trabalho



6:59AM | Thu, 26 July 2007

Gorgeous work !!!



8:22AM | Sat, 11 July 2009

How much I have missed this outstanding piece of art

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