Fri, Feb 14, 12:16 PM CST

Rockies II

Photography Landscape posted on Mar 02, 2007
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Again loving this camera. From the same day.. Just loving the picture this took still figuring out all the functions and what some of the newer functions are.

Comments (9)



6:05AM | Fri, 02 March 2007

Excellent image


11:17AM | Fri, 02 March 2007




1:02PM | Fri, 02 March 2007

What a Gorgeous view and Very Very Inspiring!!!



6:37PM | Fri, 02 March 2007

Well...not quite THE Rockies. These are the BC coastal range, overlooking Vancouver. Those twin peaks are the "Lions". The Rockies are a few hundred miles and a several mountain ranges east of Vancouver....actually closer ( 100 miles) to Calgary Alberta. These mountains extend north and eventually encompass the Village of of the 2010 Winter Olympics. Vancouver is a beautiful city where in the morning you can go snow skiing on one of those mountains, look down from the mountain, watch water skiers below you and join them in less than an hour. Both you pictures of the mountains are great.


7:34PM | Fri, 02 March 2007

Very nice, specially viewing from hot, humid southern FL. My husband just got the same camera as you, and he too is learning what all those buttons do. Nice to see what it is capable of.


8:03AM | Sat, 03 March 2007

Oh yes, so beautiful picture and very nice composition and color :)



12:10PM | Sat, 03 March 2007

OK yes I know they are not "the rockies" but they are attached! lol Thank you everyone for the lovely compliments that was a beautiful January morning. :D



5:22PM | Sat, 03 March 2007

exceptional capture no matter where or what mountain range it maybe



11:50AM | Fri, 13 April 2007

Fantastic view. A beautiful landscape you've captured here. Very impressive!!

0 73 0

Photograph Details
F Numberf/5.6
Shutter Speed10/5000
Focal Length12

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