Thu, Feb 6, 5:49 PM CST

Dancing in the Night

Fractal Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jan 31, 2007
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This is one of my oldest fractalimages: "Dancing in the Night". I thought it was a fitting image/title for what I wanted to tell.... The doctor, my husband and I have decided to go on with the "quality of life" treatment. At the moment the cancersymptoms are far less aggravating than the side-effects of the chemo. The chemo is solely palliative and could extend my life more, but I think it is better to enjoy life than to have many years. the end I will die anyway. I am very grateful to God He has given me belief: I am not afraid of death...and I am not afraid to live. Because of my belief I have no stress, no fright for the things to come. So....I am Dancing in the Night :-) love, Titia

Comments (26)



4:27AM | Wed, 31 January 2007

Mooi plaatje met fijne contrast wisselings and so is life :-) Great to see how you handle your illnis full respect from my side for that Titia dance in the night and in full light Hugs Arend



5:01AM | Wed, 31 January 2007

Wonderful picture with a very special and lovely lighting. I have no words for your comment only a very BIG HUG for you ;O)



5:41AM | Wed, 31 January 2007

I think this reflects your soul. You are a beautiful, wonderful person, and I pray for you. Thank you for this lovely portrait! (:



6:30AM | Wed, 31 January 2007

I think you are dancing the most beautiful dance of your life ! Thank you for sharing your life's-dance with us



6:32AM | Wed, 31 January 2007

Thanks for sharing this with us! Best of luck to you.



7:42AM | Wed, 31 January 2007

what a wonderful way to illustrate your toughts and belief, I am impressed in both ways. je creativiteit is een prachtige uitlaatklep, ik hoop nog veel van je te mogen zien! RS



8:18AM | Wed, 31 January 2007

You were the first artist I put on my favorites a long time ago. May God bless your quality time. I enjoy your pics very much. clbsmiley



9:43AM | Wed, 31 January 2007

I think you are teaching us HOW to dance!



10:49AM | Wed, 31 January 2007

You have taught us so much about living and dancing and having faith in God. Your image reflects the beauty you have within. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers and look forward to seeing more beautiful images. You are an inspiration to all of us.



11:53AM | Wed, 31 January 2007

This is a beautiful image and I am glad you are dancing! Fabulous! Keep that positive attitude and you will last a long time!



11:53AM | Wed, 31 January 2007

Beautiful & Ageless!



2:17PM | Wed, 31 January 2007

A brilliant jewel, this image, it's really excellent. We admire your attidude and faith! Je bent een voorbeeld voor velen.



3:07PM | Wed, 31 January 2007

I feel humbled by your positive approach. You put my life in perspective. I have loved you and your magical Art since I saw my first "Titia" and I always will.



6:07PM | Wed, 31 January 2007

I must say jennyfnf hasa exoressed my feelings perfectly, you are a fine example to us all - God Bless you :O)



6:48PM | Wed, 31 January 2007

This picture means a lot to me.. you gave it to me a few years ago and it has been on my desktop for a long time.. it reminded me every day of you and the inspiration I got from that made me grow.. I dedicated a picture specially for you in my gallery today.. Hope you like it and it expressed more of my feelings. Love you Titia..



6:50PM | Wed, 31 January 2007

Gorgeous as usual. May all of us learn to be as blessed with wisdom and courage as you have shown us. Bunny


11:47PM | Wed, 31 January 2007

This is the first work- words (deep feelings expressed) and image..that has touched me deeply enough to bring real salty tears to my eyes. You are a beautiful person, Titia, and have been blessed with a wonderful talent..but, most importantly, in my opinion, you see things as they truly are- from an eternal perspective. I'm happy to see you and hear you, and I pray God will continue to bless you.



6:31AM | Thu, 01 February 2007

Titia, I hope for the best quality of life. I'm never good with words in this sort of situation but I think of you regularly and hope that you will keep on "dancing".



12:07PM | Thu, 01 February 2007




2:07PM | Thu, 01 February 2007

This image is you ,Titia .I`m so glad that you made this wise decision .


6:44PM | Thu, 01 February 2007

Bless your heart dear, I love you out look and this image fits it so very well. You bring be chills . I hope to be as strong as you one day. Thank you. :)



10:25PM | Thu, 01 February 2007

Beautuful image, Titia. Odd but that the end can sometimes be the most free and relaxed portion of one's life - May God bless you!


2:52AM | Fri, 02 February 2007

If He as given you this gift in the world - what things of beauty await you in heaven. Such sweet joy.



4:41PM | Fri, 02 February 2007

Titia, it is truly a lovely image! And you are a lovely woman inside and out! You have given so much joy and love not only in your work, but also to others personally. So thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am so glad that God has given you the peace you deserve for being so faithful. I will continue to keep you in my prayers!



1:21PM | Mon, 12 March 2007

I watched my husband die from cancer. You remind me a lot of him. He was never bitter. You don't seem to be either. You get to a place where the quality of your life is more important than the quantity. God be with you in this fight. Some day you will dance among the stars.



8:32PM | Mon, 02 April 2007

Wonderful composition! Would love to hang this on the wall.

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