Thu, Feb 6, 5:47 PM CST

Highlanders Home - The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Terragen Landscape posted on Jul 02, 2006
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A two weathers situation. My goal was to show two weathers with the same scene. I hope i was succesfull and you like it. ;-) Terrain with WM1.2x, rendering and surfacing with Terragen V0.9.43. Postwork with Photshop CS.

Comments (21)



7:27PM | Sun, 02 July 2006

Wow I love the scale in this! Excellent colours too. I think you've captured the two weathers perfectly. I particularly like the low cloud and lack of colour in the top one - looks very bleak1 Nice greens in the lower picture - the surfacing is really top notch.


7:40PM | Sun, 02 July 2006

I like also. The top one would be my preference because of my current mood, but the water and surface both appear very well done in both and are somewhat more visible in the lower one. POV is excellent. All around, an excellent job!



7:42PM | Sun, 02 July 2006

Love it... friend from Terragen user group


7:56PM | Sun, 02 July 2006

Excellent stuff. Absolutely beautiful scenery, and yes it was successful. Very nice work.



8:17PM | Sun, 02 July 2006

Perfect! I love seeing this world in two different atmospheres!


9:56PM | Sun, 02 July 2006

They are both splendid images, love the concept of showing more than one of the same place with different conditions. The rainy one might should have a different surf pattern?


11:16PM | Sun, 02 July 2006

I do like it- both versions, but especially the top image because of the rain effect and more muted coloring. Beautiful and excellent artwork.



12:51AM | Mon, 03 July 2006

Great idea and very nicely done! Excellent work!



1:27AM | Mon, 03 July 2006

Wow, that's very photorealistic. Both 'shots' are gorgeous. I can't decide which one I love more, probably the 'good weather' one ;) Excellent work!



1:50AM | Mon, 03 July 2006

excellent work !



2:16AM | Mon, 03 July 2006

@xerraire: The change was very very fast as it is often in the highlands, so the water hasn't had the time to react! ;-)Well, i could do another surf pattern ...


2:18AM | Mon, 03 July 2006

omg..this is awesome....just so it...nice work



5:14AM | Mon, 03 July 2006

Excellent job!



9:34AM | Mon, 03 July 2006

Both are super nice! The rain is done very well - xlt surfacing and clouds!



9:58AM | Mon, 03 July 2006

excellent - prefer the storm clouds version - more dramatic!!



1:12PM | Mon, 03 July 2006

Excellent job on both!! Excellent POV, surfaces, atmo and water settings. Excellent PW as well on the rain and low hanging clouds.



1:44PM | Mon, 03 July 2006

They're both gorgeous! I like the moodiness in the top one and the clarity and vibrant color in the lower one.



5:46PM | Mon, 03 July 2006

The top one is a perfect highland image. From the low clouds to the mist, your surfacing is outstanding as are your water settings... My preference, the top one :)



12:17PM | Tue, 04 July 2006

gelungene Arbeit! bravo!



4:14PM | Tue, 04 July 2006

Thank you everyone for the comments. I hope TG2 comes out as soon as possible, that i can put some plants in such scenes. I am eagerly awaiting it!


4:02PM | Thu, 06 July 2006

The scale is wonderfully depicted. Terrain is outstanding. How much postwork on the second scene?

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