Wed, Feb 12, 8:52 PM CST

The Pacifier

Photography Macro posted on May 31, 2006
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Hiiii ya

Comments (47)



10:03AM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Beautiful droplet cousin - they are sometimes called 'bingkies' here :-)


10:04AM | Wed, 31 May 2006

beautiful silver tone, smooth, refreshing & nicely done with the font



10:14AM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Looks more like an exclamation mark to me!!! LOL ;p Very cool color though, I think it looks good without the coloration!!!! I also like your reflective text, very kewl!!!!! Oh yeah, can I get an application to work there too??? I want to sit around and watch DVDs and play with my camera and get paid for it!!!!! LOL ;p



10:14AM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Just like all you water drops, I love it! It's so smooth and peaceful looking, almost like satin. I love the color so I'm glad you left it alone. ;) And the title you put in with the reflection is perfect. So, to sum it up.....a beautiful image! :)


10:36AM | Wed, 31 May 2006

I agree with Cyn, she has a good taste, so do I...well seen


10:42AM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Agree with Cyn too - 'refreshing' is a great word! Oh, and agree with 'bentchick' about the exclamation mark. Oh and did you see claudia's image of the 'vortex' today? Well it kind of looks like that too. Did you watch Stargate recently? Well, THAT is a cool vortex thingee and you should think about tilting one of these sideways or something. Upside down would be great too, then you could see the exclamation mark better! +++



10:44AM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Stunning!! Love the silver. +++



10:56AM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Priceless! Very crisp shot, great idea giving the title a reflection. And I've seen longer rambles than that.



10:58AM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Very clear and beautiful. It sure does make someone thirsty! Awesome picture :)


11:14AM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Wowwww, excellent capture y perfectly color and lightinf in this beautiful presentation !!! Good day and kiss ;)


11:22AM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Fantastic macro is pacifying in another way too...just looking at it is peaceful and quieting....and at least if you did ramble didn't rant any. Excellent shot



11:25AM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Great colours in this one. I like the steel grey shades :) And "napp" is called pacifier, dats correct :D Hope you'll get some sun during your time off too :)



11:42AM | Wed, 31 May 2006

We call 'em dummies here :) I don't think it needs clourizing at all. What is most ingenious is how you got the profile of a babies head in the top droplet. Excellent work !



11:44AM | Wed, 31 May 2006




11:57AM | Wed, 31 May 2006

OMG!At first I thought Moonbeam was a bit out there,but sure enough...there it is!A baby's profile!Amazing how you did that!Or is it your profile?LOL.Nah...then the baby would have a goatee and how weird would that be?LOL at Bobby.That's what Paige called it.It was her first 6-7 months,actually.And it wasn't until she individually 'named' her 3 pacifiers that we realised she was talking!There was Bobby,Bobby-O,and Bobby Bobby...Oh yes and when Bobby got too sticky then it was replaced with Bobby-New.LOL.But enough of that.Excellent drippy droppy,Andreas.Gorgeous and mercurial-looking.Love the reflected font.What a great touch that was.B-rilliant work once again from the Master Driperator.Speaking of dripping,it's not hot today!YAY!Keep your fingers crossed for me that it stays cool until Friday....Oops!I've rambled waaaaay too much.Say good night Marlene...Good night,Marlene. -M :^D



12:06PM | Wed, 31 May 2006




12:11PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

The perfect purity! have a great evening!



12:19PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Hey buddy! Just thought I'd drop in, drop you a comment on your post for today, and what do I find? Another one of your fantastic drop shots! How cool is that? SOOOO cool! Glad to hear your doing well, getting work done ontop of your busy work schedule! I mean, it's gotta be tough creating fantastic images like this, while you're trying to watch wonderful movies like... Uh oh! I mean while you're working SOOOO hard at the lab! LOL. Fantastic work my friend! Have a most excellent humpday buddy!



12:22PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Everything about this shot is "first-class".


12:49PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Kaltes Klares Wassier, Cold clear water. It's such a nice picture to look at.



1:13PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Fantastic shot very cool Excellent work!! Have a nice evening, Henk



1:20PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Looks like a pool of mercury...beautiful effect and perfect capture my friend! I especially like the reflective title effect.


1:32PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Very nice shot and postwork



2:37PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Oh oh ohhhhhhhh!! I always looooove your drops capture Andreas...(The Drop Master)they are always so well done and feasible. The colors here... silver and maby a bit of gold.... it's sooo beautiful together.And your headline...."The Pacifier" it's perfect to you gorgeous photo Andreas. I wish you a lovely day... night at work... while I gonna take my beauty sleep LOL. DK



3:31PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Your drops!!!I missed them!!!Really nice surprise to see them back again in your gallery Andreas!!!



3:46PM | Wed, 31 May 2006



4:44PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

c est absolument sublime tu es un maitre bravo et vote



4:58PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Always so perfect!!! It's really magic... Bravo Andreas et have a good evening :)



5:12PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

Wow!!! Plop, plop, ~ fizz, fizz, ~ oh what a relief it is~~~!!! (just to have you back again!) Liquid Silver, beautiful! I heard a rumor and not being one to gossip, thought that I would go right to the horses mouth. So, someone said that you have a tendency to ramble and I just couldn't believe that that would be true. Well, not of you, anyway. Is it true, is it? Huh, huh, is it really true. Deny it and I might just believe you. Love and Hugs . . . . . LOLOLOL!!!!



6:05PM | Wed, 31 May 2006

LOL see you finally came back from your vacation and have been working for a change! ( I know I havent been around RR in a while so I am behind.) it is a fantastic shot, I love the color of it and think you did good to leave it as is.

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