Fri, Feb 14, 7:46 PM CST

Jupiter and Moons

Photography Space posted on Apr 18, 2006
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Jupiter has a volume 1300 times that of Earth. (Yipes). It is the fourth brightest object in the sky (after Sun, Moon, and Venus), except when Mars gets really close to Earth every couple of years. The four brightest moons of Jupiter were discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei and are referred to as the Galilean satellites. According to Wikipedia, Jupiter has at least 63 known moons. The planet rotates very fast -- once every 10 hours.

Comments (21)


7:23PM | Tue, 18 April 2006

an excellent presentation. thank you for the very interesting information. BRAVO #:O)



7:46PM | Tue, 18 April 2006

What a cool line-up of the Jupiter family of planets. Beautiful photo and educational commentary.



7:49PM | Tue, 18 April 2006

AWESOME!!! Wonderful shot and information. We love our moon so what we think of 63 of them?



7:52PM | Tue, 18 April 2006

this is awesome. I love astronomy. did you hear that Wikipedia does nothing to check the validity of the information they publish



7:57PM | Tue, 18 April 2006

that super you shooting from earth like that. I saw the Jupiter red spot on tv. from that satellite we sent up there. real cool shot



8:49PM | Tue, 18 April 2006

Wow!!!!Impressive work!I have only seen one planet thru a telescope,and it was Saturn...and all I could think of,was it looked so fake,lol!It looked like a little glow-in-the-dark sticker!I guess you get past that,eventually,huh?Fabulous capture and thank you so much for sharing this.-M :^)


10:06PM | Tue, 18 April 2006

Nice shots. Are you sure that isn't the red spot on the right hand side?


10:12PM | Tue, 18 April 2006

You may be right Deagol -- it could be the red spot sneaking off to the right. Good eye!!



10:18PM | Tue, 18 April 2006

Wooooohhh! ohh thank you! You guessted right, this is my fav.planet hehe, and captured very well. How big is your telescope? Again...welldone!



11:57PM | Tue, 18 April 2006

Superb image and information !



4:06PM | Wed, 19 April 2006

Wonderful capture of this giant gas-planet with it's most well-known satellites! Fantastic work, very beautiful!



6:49PM | Wed, 19 April 2006

WOW UNREAL goshhh -who captures jupiter out there??!! This is truley amazing ..!!! .. totally spectaculare loved the info on it as well!! WOW!@!! IMPRESSIVE!!


9:46PM | Wed, 19 April 2006

wow Beautiful Picture :)



9:25PM | Thu, 20 April 2006

Excellent photo and presentation!



7:26AM | Fri, 21 April 2006

Outstanding shot and presentation. Thanks for the very interesting information. Excellent work!!!



2:39PM | Fri, 21 April 2006

excellent photo and interesting information !



11:12PM | Sat, 22 April 2006

Thanks for the astronomy lesson and the fantastic pictures of Jupiter and her moons..



10:31AM | Thu, 27 April 2006

Very nice work !!! Superb !



12:22PM | Mon, 01 May 2006

wonderful image.Also very interesting subject.How do you photo one of these things.That would be interesting.Thanks for sharing.Have a great day



6:41PM | Mon, 01 May 2006

wow and amazing and awesome just doesn't cut it; this is just ...... 4u9fetmll !!!!! lol I'm going to have to check out your homepage here; maybe I'll get to know more about you and the equipment u use.



5:02PM | Mon, 08 May 2006

WAW blooming amazing. :-)

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