Tue, Feb 11, 8:55 AM CST

As requested

Photography Animals posted on Apr 04, 2006
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Afternoon folks!!!! Hope your week has started out great. Mine

Comments (65)



10:41AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

What a funny dog with tons of character! Really plaful set of shots.



10:44AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

He is very aware that he is being photographed. Lots of snow and this guy loves it. Excellent shot. Aloha



10:45AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

Adorable!!! Funny that we posted almost at the same time! Hope you are well my friend. Enjoy your vacation!!!



10:45AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

Nixa is so full of personality!!! Hasn't quite grown into those paws yet! HOW CUTE!



10:46AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

Oh such a gorgeous puppy!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!


10:48AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

MY..THIS IS SO LOVELY...REALLY BREATHTAKING.....I love puppys so much.....I want to hold that soft one you post here...soooooooooooooooooooooo cute



11:00AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Too cute!!!!! Oh so sweet, adorable, beautiful !!!It looks like he love pose for you Andreas. Wonderful collage my photo friend! Thanks for the sharing:) HAPPY DAY!!!! *


11:00AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

A BEAUTY and wonderful shots!! I think, he will become a self-confident dog!



11:00AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

Nixa is real cutie :)



11:16AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

Awwwwww...... would you look at that!!!!!! What adorable pictures!!!!!!!!! I love that top left one with his foot in mid step!!! I know that look too... just before he runs at ya!!!! LOL :P



11:16AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

B E A U T I F U L ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ;)



11:28AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

Supercutie :)



11:49AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

Just have to drop two comments: "My boss will love the new collar" and "Yesterday she asked me where "our" weekend-pic of Eija was" ;-) And of course a "cuuuuuuuuuuuuute" from me as well.



11:52AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

In most cases I like cats more then dogs. But this one is beautiful. Great shots.



11:54AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

I swear, these 4 shots have left me seriously thinking about getting a cute pooch like this one. I didn't make the request for more Nixa photos but I'm glad someone did. 4 heartwarming photos Andreas!!!


11:57AM | Tue, 04 April 2006

Your Momma should be very proud of her new baby. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! Nixa is so cute!!! OUCH!! for Gizmo. But as responsible pet owners, we do what is needed. Beautiful collage!!



12:10PM | Tue, 04 April 2006

Arhhhhhhhhh Nixa is really so pretty and adorable ! She'll became as beautiful as Eija ;o))) Please don't read this comment to Eija !!!!!! Nice shots Andreas ! What's about Gizmo ???? he became a man today ???? Oh my god ! Then it's the beginning of troubles, lol ! Have a nice evening my friend. Hugs. V



12:13PM | Tue, 04 April 2006

great pictures it make want a dog



12:24PM | Tue, 04 April 2006

ahhh to cute....=]



12:32PM | Tue, 04 April 2006

Fantastic collage, i like all shots. What a pretty dog, really lovely!!



1:01PM | Tue, 04 April 2006

Thank you!! What a heart! Oh yes, and the puppy too! Beautiful little girl and I suppose that a pink rhinestone collar would be too much, huh?? You think ???? I've wanted a little German Shepard for such a long time, but worry that being close to the road wouldn't be a good thing!!!!!!



1:02PM | Tue, 04 April 2006

AWWWE ! SO ADORABLE i esp ADORE the first shot with paw up That is priceless he looks like he is ready for a good play!! excellent shots Andreas !! .. always a delight to see you amazing doogy portraits he sure is a cutie pie !!! ,...SWEET!



1:20PM | Tue, 04 April 2006

they are adorable, would love a dog but hubby won't let me! :(



1:23PM | Tue, 04 April 2006

Great work! Thanks for sharing with us



1:30PM | Tue, 04 April 2006

wow, what a super super work!!!! excellently done!!! :)



1:32PM | Tue, 04 April 2006

Awww, she's adorable! So photogenic too! I'll bet her and Eija are anxiously awaiting some snowless springtime weather, not to mention you too buddy! By the way, I really have been loving those PW manips you've been doing. You are so gifted at taking an average image and making it into something essentially stunning! I always enjoy your awesome work Andreas! Have a totally shralpin' day. (Shralpin' - the feeling one gets when having successfully pulled of an incredibly amazing stunt, without injury or death, in other words, a major adrenaline rush. LOL).



1:46PM | Tue, 04 April 2006

C'est trop beau !!! Nixa in several pic compo collage is a great idea ! How a beauty baby I gonna mail the link to my great kids, they love animals and their cute or funny attitudes Thanks for sharing, Andreas ! q:)Magali



1:47PM | Tue, 04 April 2006

Would you just look at those big floppy ears!!!So adorable!!!Gosh,I love puppies!!!I think this collage is wonderful,Andreas and so full of pure happiness.I'm glad someone requested it.Each shot is a treasure...as for misfortunate Gizmo...ummm...I think ya got that backwards...today the poor sweetie became an un-man!Hope he's okay.Have a great one,and sorry ya got work tomorrow.Hope it goes by fast.-M :^)



1:56PM | Tue, 04 April 2006

WOW these are soo impressive!!!! Every one is a priceless shot!!! Excellent stuff mate!



2:10PM | Tue, 04 April 2006

superb collage of this lovely fisky pup.It's easy to this pup is full of live love and a willingness to please.Simply a wonderful presentation my friend.Vote have a great day

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