Sat, Feb 8, 3:35 PM CST

True love conquers all adversities

Photography (none) posted on Jan 29, 2006
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Comments (45)



12:55AM | Mon, 30 January 2006

Best Wishes! My dad lived on 16 years after a quad~bypass in 1982, helped me raise my son for those 16 years. Every minute is so important- dont waste one- any of you.



5:50AM | Mon, 30 January 2006

Dear Egmont...I know very very soon you'll be back here and ready to take on the world !!!!...and yes, love and faith DOES conquer all !!!



6:15AM | Mon, 30 January 2006

Hallo Egmont, wsche dir mlichst vollstdige Genesung und das es dir gelingt aus diesem Tal wieder aufzusteigen und den Blick von oben wieder zu geniessen In meinem Arbeits- und Bekanntenkreis haben erstaunlich viele einen nlichen gesundheitlichen Schlag erlitten und viele von ihnen sind mittlerwee wieder putzmunter und leben ihr Leben nun intensiver und bewusster als zuvor.



12:36PM | Mon, 30 January 2006

HI, es ist gut dich wieder zu sehen, ich wsche dir auf diesem weg gute besserung... in solchen momenten wird mir immer klarer dass das leben viel zu kurz ist... erst letzten sontag ist eine bekannt von mir gestorben, und im letzten jahr ein schulkamarad. ich hoffe ich werde noch lange leben, lang genug um sagen zu knen, ein sches leben gehabt zu haben... Get well soon :)



1:26PM | Tue, 31 January 2006

Wimmern, das ist eine be Narbe, die Sie dort haben. Verbessern Sie das obgleich als die Alternative. Ich bin Sie bin zu Hause und oben heilend froh. Ich wei es ein langer Prozeist, aber nie vergi, dawir f Sie ziehen. Ich freue, viel mehr Ihrer terrific kunst in naher Zukunft zu sehen! Schnelle Wiederaufnahme Egmont!



3:51PM | Sun, 05 February 2006

We are all so very happy that you are still with us. Hang in there.



9:13PM | Mon, 06 February 2006 wishes for a speedy recovery -- I admire your spirit and tenacity while moving through very tough times -- your creative drive remains unbroken - thanks for sharing this photograph....hang tough.



9:37PM | Tue, 07 February 2006

Hope you are going well now. Have recieved updates but until this week havent been on much due to pain. But me great now so hope to see you soon. Takecare.Chris:)



11:14AM | Fri, 10 February 2006

All the best to you my friend and a speedy recovery. Such love and support is the best medicine in the world..


7:31PM | Mon, 13 February 2006

a portrait who touched me very deep,Egmont.send you all my best wishes.



4:47PM | Thu, 16 February 2006

Take your time, Egmont! My best wishes for a speedy recovery! Say Hi to Shahnaz, will you?



7:27AM | Wed, 22 February 2006

it's a shock like the first time as i saw this image. i've no words, it touchs deep inside. i wish the very best for you and your family.


1:05PM | Tue, 28 February 2006

Hi Egmont, now I came back to your gallery again... and see two loving human beings and a body beautiful despite of the scar. My best wishes too, I will write you as soon as I can...


9:07AM | Sat, 18 March 2006

All the best to you my friend and a speedy recovery. I have miss this one.....get wel soon..I post already a note in the forum dedication



3:48PM | Wed, 16 January 2008

Egmont,looking at this picture and reading your comment I am glad you made it. You have a beautiful wife and daughter. I hope that you are OK now and hope to hear from soon again, Sig...

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