Tue, Feb 18, 7:33 PM CST

Cheers Kort!!!!

Photography Macro posted on Jan 10, 2006
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Hi ya

Comments (50)



6:46PM | Tue, 10 January 2006

I love it when you JUMP out of the box!!!!!!!!! Perfectly captured!!!!!!! love it!!!!



7:40PM | Tue, 10 January 2006

Coooool image, I have seen simular:):):)..V



7:45PM | Tue, 10 January 2006

I love shots like this..makes one have their own visions..S


8:30PM | Tue, 10 January 2006

Impressive macro!



11:11PM | Tue, 10 January 2006

Any closer and your lense would get wet! Man that's up close and personal! I suppose you just poured the whiskey out after this shot...yeah right! Fab work my friend, nice take on Korts idea! Aloha!


12:20AM | Wed, 11 January 2006

oh YEAH!!!! Excellent in all respects! You totally NAILED this shot!!!!! Gotta tell ya i LOVE whiskey...except i drink mine straight up!!! :) (pity i can't drink any more because of the medicine i take. *sigh). i'd sure love to try this brand though!! oh well! Huge congrats on this one Andreas!!! i really love it! :)



12:42AM | Wed, 11 January 2006

AH ha, much dedication and inspiration!!! Excellent on both of your parts!



12:50AM | Wed, 11 January 2006

cool (and warm) dedication! your lens get so cloose to this ice! all there has an impressive clarity... well done!



1:01AM | Wed, 11 January 2006

OH! Hur trevligt! Kon ger dig rgivning! du som inte lucky att fsan underbar rgivning om stil fr en ko! Hur mooooooooooooooooootivational! SUH! Och en vilken romantiker fotograferar, Andreas! Det saaaaaaaaaaaaromantiker, SUH! Jag mte inte handlag vodkaen mig ha sparat. Var god g inte mig handlag den. Jag kan inte handlag den! Nr.! Oh-nr.! Berd I den! Argggggggh! Nu startar jag romantisk saker f ordst totalt till dig! Min Oh! Och jag vet att jag inte b! Smla var god mig! SUH! Okay.Enough nonsense.LOL.It briljanten Andreas.You gjorde ett sagolikt jobb. Jag ser att Kort smickras her. Och utmanat f. Och det ett gott ting. - Mig; ^)



1:45AM | Wed, 11 January 2006

A beautiful abstraction with avery suitable framing. The result is excellent !



1:49AM | Wed, 11 January 2006

Adorable colors this liquid has and the taste is yummy ;) Beautiful close-up.



2:51AM | Wed, 11 January 2006

Very cool looking Macro and frame design. Nice dedi for cool Kort. :-)


11:15AM | Wed, 11 January 2006

Masterpiece andreas simpley superb !!!!!!! wonderful detail.. perfect lighting.. now about this whiskey.. send some over.. beautiful work..!!!!!..:))))



11:26AM | Wed, 11 January 2006

Congratulation for a wonderful shot, really cool artistic continuation of the Kort series!! Have a nice evening!


2:01PM | Wed, 11 January 2006

Absolutely impressive photograph. Outstanding details. Really genial, Andreas!!!



12:27AM | Thu, 12 January 2006

The New Years Party still going on, lol. Excellent. Aloha


4:16AM | Thu, 12 January 2006

Awesome macro Andreas! Love that gorgeous golden colour, may give this a go sometime ... not with Whiskey though :)



3:24PM | Thu, 12 January 2006

Nice shot (pun intended) Oh look i see a face, quick lets drink it before its too late ;^P. Great job on bringing out the colors of whisky.



8:34PM | Thu, 12 January 2006

OMG...AWESOME Andreas!! You just keep getting more and more fantastic with your photos! I absolutely love the macro on the bubbles and the color is soooo perfect!! Superb job!!!! Huge VOTE on this one! ;-)



9:34PM | Thu, 12 January 2006

outstanding macro

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