Sun, Feb 16, 9:22 AM CST

The Boy From the Sea: Part 2

Poser Anime/Manga posted on Jul 17, 2005
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"Why did I try to drown myself?" The girl sighed and tried to explain. "I'm getting married in a a man I should love, but I just can't bring myself to do it. He isn't ugly or cruel. In fact, he's rich and handsome. Any girl would like him but -- " The tears came anew. "I just can't! I want to make my own choices, not be treated like a-a possession..." "Easy there, lass." The boy from the sea frowned in concern. She was sobbing and trembling, so he carefully eased himself out of the water and sat down next to her. He carefully slipped an arm around her shoulders, for it seemed the right thing to do. "It will be allright, lass, I promise. Nothing canna be so bad that's it's worth throwin' your life away over." "I expect you think I'm rather selfish and shallow, now?" The girl found her voice again, and sighed as she looked down at her hands. "No, I don't. I think you're a stong girl who's struggled hard to make your way in this world. You and your mother live in that little house by the cliffs. I've seen you both, out walkin' the beach, looking for clams ta feed to those boarders you take in..." Her startled gaze flew to his face. "How did you know that?" The boy looked sheepish. "I ah...was swimmin' around the rocks by the shore one day, listenin'. I live around here too, you see," he explained. "Now, the girl I know who holds her head high and doesn't give up no matter how hard things are, is not the same one I pulled out of the water t'night. You're stronger than you know, lass. So you depend on that strength and don't let me catch you throwin' yerself in me ocean again, eh?" The girl felt her cheeks growing warm and her heart started to pound. He had really been watching her? She ventured to glance up at him again. He has such beautiful eyes, she thought. "Now you promise me you won't hurt yerself again." "I-I promise." Suddenly feeling shy, she looked down at her hands. " have a name?" "Aye. Me name's Jin." "Well, thank you, Jin. Thank you for saving me from myself...and for listening to me." "Well, I wouldn't be much of a fellow if I left a lady when she was upset, now would I?" "No, you wouldn't be," the girl agreed, venturing to smile. It was strange to be sitting there, talking to a creature of legend, but something about it felt like it was meant to be. She felt safe with him and leaned back against him. "'re warm..." "Well, of course I'm warm, lass!" he laughed. "What do you think I am, a tuna?" That made her turn red again. "I just, well, I...I've never met anyone like you before!" "S'allright, lass. I've never rescued a human girl before, either." * * * Credits: Mada, A, MAB, WillDupre, Kandace Wright, Luciferino, Malefic, DAZ. Thanks for dropping by my gallery. :)

Comments (11)



8:18PM | Sun, 17 July 2005

Lovely, the story fits the image perfectly.



9:10PM | Sun, 17 July 2005

Lovely story and wonderful scene!! Excellent work!



12:47AM | Mon, 18 July 2005

Oooooh soooo soooo lover-ly!! most FANTABULOUS!!



1:02AM | Mon, 18 July 2005

Aw, I love couple scenes. The girl has a lovely expression. Great job with the background and water effects!


5:59PM | Mon, 18 July 2005

Beautiful Image!!! Lovely Story, Excellent =0)



9:11PM | Mon, 18 July 2005

That was so nice :) and this is so cute. :) Like the litte mermaid in reverse. Nicely done.



10:29PM | Mon, 18 July 2005

Awesome image. I really like the BG.


12:22PM | Wed, 20 July 2005

What a beautiful image! They characters and the lighting are just amazing! Wonderfil job :)



5:57PM | Thu, 21 July 2005

Lovely scene(@_@)Fantastic Work!!!



9:47AM | Sun, 24 July 2005

wonderful light! they are so beautiful together. :)



2:12PM | Tue, 25 October 2005

lol, this is such a wonderful story, these first two parts I read and viewed sure made me smile. :)

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