Forum: MarketPlace Showcase

Subject: Morph Manager P12 is now available!

Ken1171_Designs opened this issue on Aug 22, 2022 ยท 2 posts

Ken1171_Designs posted Mon, 22 August 2022 at 12:43 AM Online Now!

Morph Manager P12

This is a Python script for Poser 12. Requires Poser 12.0.993 or later. It comes with 5 operation modes, each with their specific options, and a smart dial search to choose which dials are to be affected. Get it HERE.

Morph Manager automates changing morph dial settings across an entire figure, conforming hair or clothing with 1-click. It can fix incorrect conforming configuration on items when they don't auto-follow the figure morph dials, mass delete or show/hide dials across the entire item, and more! 

Here are some of the features:

 Search includes ALL dials, specific one by name, and search partial name by keyword.

These are the 5 operation modes:

The tasks include setting dial limits, sensibility, delete all dials, a specific one, or selected ones by keyword, fixing conforming parameters when clothing have the morph, but won't follow the figure, and an option globally show/hide dials across the figure. 

The tab to show/hide dials include an option affect dials on the BODY group (disabled by default), and also an option to affect transforms dials as well. There is an option to switch between affecting morphs and transforms. 

Here is a general description of the interface. From top to bottom, it's the target figure, the dial selection, the operation, the execution button, and finally the status box, which also doubles as a place for hints on how to use the tool.

I will be releasing a total of 3 new scripts just to work with morphs, and this is the first one. The second uses a new feature not available in the public Poser version yet, so I will have to wait until Bondware releases the next public update. I am still working on the third script, and they all do with different parts of working morphs: namely the tasks of loading, configuring, and transferring them to clothing.

Get the script HERE. You can watch the video demonstration here:


My Store at Renderosity

My Store at PoserSoftware

Characters, Body Sculpts, Morph Corrections, Outfits, Python Scripts, Universal Heads, and Videogames!

Ken1171_Designs posted Mon, 22 August 2022 at 1:22 PM Online Now!

The minimum required Poser 12 version above is 12.0.757, and not 12.0.993. Sorry, my mistake. 

The link to the demo video is HERE

Pity I cannot fix this on the actual post. Once submitted, things become cast in store here at Rendo. 

My Store at Renderosity

My Store at PoserSoftware

Characters, Body Sculpts, Morph Corrections, Outfits, Python Scripts, Universal Heads, and Videogames!