Forum: Contest Announcements

Subject: The Renderosity Magazine Weekly Art Challenge Week 4 (Theme: Love)

nickcharles opened this issue on Mar 24, 2022 ยท 3 posts

nickcharles posted Thu, 24 March 2022 at 9:12 PM Forum Moderator

Hi folks,

'Twas many moons ago I used to host regular challenges in the Fractal Forum when I was a Moderator, and I so enjoyed doing that. So, I recently started running a weekly challenge through the Renderosity Magazine that is open to anyone and everyone, regardless of tools or methods. Whether you are a 3D artist, illustrator, photographer, writer, etc., you are invited to take the weekly challenge.

Every Wednesday I provide a prompt of sorts, whether word, theme, or idea. This challenge has no strict guidelines and you can feel free to go where the prompt may lead you...even if somewhere else entirely! The idea behind this challenge is just to get everyone creating and having fun...and I'm taking the challenge myself each week.

There are no requirements to submit anything, but if you do so wish to be featured, you can post in this thread, or email me at with the subject line "Renderosity Magazine Weekly Art Challenge".

The theme changes weekly on Wednesdays. We are currently at Week Four, with the theme being "Love"

I hope this weekly challenge interests you, and you give it a try. It is a work in progress and the format may change over time. There are no prizes for taking this challenge at present, but that may change as the number of participants increase.

Thanks so much, and if there are any questions, give me a shout :)


Renderosity Magazine Weekly Art Challenge Week 4

Nick C. Sorbin
Staff Writer
Renderosity Magazine
"For every breath, for every day of living, this is my Thanksgiving."
-Don Henley

Wolfenshire posted Wed, 08 March 2023 at 11:58 AM Online Now! Site Admin

I'll kick it off with something. Dragon Balanath loves his boy. What's more wholesome than a boy and his dragon? I had a dragon as a boy, she looked like a German Shepard, but she was pure dragon.

Wolfenshire, Moderator/Community Leader

mappy999 posted Wed, 29 March 2023 at 4:04 AM

Well I'm no expert but this is looks so great! I LOVE the the shading, from the shapes to the values. Really like it.