Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Have loaded a pz3 in Poser 11 but no textures

Moonlight_Designs opened this issue on Dec 16, 2021 ยท 15 posts

Moonlight_Designs posted Thu, 16 December 2021 at 11:29 AM

I opened my pz3 file into Poser 11 but there are no textures on it. I have tried to get it into Posers library but when I click it in the library it says "empty" PLEASE help me get my custom prop into Poser 11. I have the file set up as (byname - Runtime - then a prop folder with the PZ3 and last a texture folder with my jpgs.

I just started using this version of 11 and it has not made a good impression so far.

Can someone help me to get this right?