Forum: Poser 12 - Feature Requests

Subject: Library feature request - Favorites update and back button.

davo opened this issue on Oct 12, 2021 ยท 3 posts

davo posted Tue, 12 October 2021 at 3:46 PM

I'm on the fence about upgrading to Poser 12. Poser 11 pro still runs great and I'm kinda waiting for any bugs/issues to be worked out.

One theme I'm seeing in the poser 11 and 12 forum is questions pertaining to adding entire folders to the favorites rather than having to add one item at a time.  There are some 'work-arounds' apparently and doing some slight of hand to achieve this, but I think it would just make sense to update the library to be able to handle adding an entire folder and it's subfolders to the favorites (would be nice if things were added to that folder later on, it would update in the favorites as well.

I'm not sure if it's a feature already, but a "back" button on the library would be nice too.

