Forum: Suggestion Box

Subject: Recently views items on sale

FlagonsWorkshop opened this issue on Feb 16, 2021 ยท 2 posts

FlagonsWorkshop posted Tue, 16 February 2021 at 6:19 PM

I know I have asked this before, but I was reminded of it again. The Recently views items is pretty useless because I buy a lot of the items I take the time to look at. If I didn't buy some and you are prompting me to take a second look, it isn't happening because anything I would take a second look at is obscured by all the stuff there I already have. (This is one of the scroll bars at the bottom of the shopping cart screen, and is a prompt to get people to add another item or two before checking out).

This would be a much more effective prompt if currently owned items were filtered out. As it stands, it has never prompted me to add anything because invariably when I click on an item that looks interesting, I already have it.

The wishlist bar below that is much more effective since it is items I do not yet own.