Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Problems with Poser Importing Rigged FBX

SergeantJack opened this issue on Feb 15, 2021 ยท 1 posts

SergeantJack posted Mon, 15 February 2021 at 9:44 AM

Hi, thanks for stopping by. I am having a problem with Poser when I import a rigged FBX. I worked on the model in Blender and exported it, then I opened it in a program called Noesis to re-translate it to a version that Poser could recognize. In Noesis, the model looks like this: Rumble-Noesis.PNG

Everything looks fine there. The bones are all in the right places, and I made sure everything was named properly before I exported it from Blender.

When I import the FBX into Poser, this happens:


Some of the bones are rotated 90 degrees, and some aren't. I could go to work on re-positioning them, but that's going to be a major pain, especially when it comes to the finger bones, and I suspect that there's simply some setting in my pipeline that I need to adjust to make this stop happening.

The second problem is that upon import, Poser is doing this:


For reasons unknown to me, the bone names come through just fine, but the polygon group names have an underscore and a three-digit number appended to them. This makes me have to go through a huge amount of work to fix, so the bone names and polygon group names match. Does anybody know why this is happening, and how I stop it?